
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finished Quilt! Yeah!

Today I finished the doll quilt, and here is the original one in the book Small Endearments, by Sandi Fox, on page 157, Plate 192.

Here is my version, lying on top of a doll dresser:

It is machine quilted in a simple crosshatch design.  It was fun making it - almost like the little quilt in the book jumped off the page and is now residing at my house. 

Stay tuned to see another one soon.   I will post again when it is started.


  1. Welcome to the kingdom of blog...and 10 thumbs up that September works for all of us!

  2. It looks great Judy! And congrats on the new blog! It's very addictive, as you'll find, but I've met the greatest people doing it.

  3. OMG that is beautiful, i have made this quilt but larger! doll quilt not miniature!
    Wellcome to blog land! looking forward to many more of your posts

  4. Adorable! Love how you have this little quilt displayed on the chest of drawers. Look forward to seeing more.

  5. I ran across this blog today on a search for Mariner's Compasses for my deck project.
    what fun! Are you tempted to track down antique fabric?

    1. No, I'm not tempted - I'm trying to use up the fabric I already bought - as I know you are too. :)


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