
Monday, April 23, 2012

Teddy and His New Quilt on the Porch

Here's the latest doll quilt I made.  It's patterned after a quilt in the book Childhood Treasures - Doll Quilts by and For Children, by Merikay Waldvogel.
See page 101 for the original quilt, which is 15 x 17.5 inches.

I used some thirties scraps and a scrappy look with no attention to dark/light triangle placement.  The border is newer fabric, and the binding is a small checked fabric.  It has a pleasant "busy" look to me, and the snippets of fabric are fun to see up close.  This quilt measures 13 x 15 inches.   


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Lori! A friend came over who is a computer guru, and fixed my blog problem. Thanks so much for offering to help me. I am learning....slowly...:)

  2. Way cute! your notes on my blog came through to me no problem. I have my setting for them to do that so I can ok them. With Bloggers new spam catcher not much gets through but I'm not taking any chances on adverts for shady stuff showing up when my back is turned :)
    "see you soon"! Sharyn

  3. This is adorable! Another winner!

  4. Love the little quilt and think I have that book on my shelf. I tried to reply to you after you left a comment on my blog, but you are set as a no-reply blogger. It was nice to meet you at the retreat, too, and hope you get to come back again.


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊