
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finished Doll Quilt and Childhood Toys

Here is the finished hourglass and pinwheel quilt.  It is pictured with one of my childhood toys.  My mother painted old wooden spools for me to play with as a toddler.  I would string them together to make necklaces.  

The quilt finished at 21.5 inches square.  I tea-dyed it to increase the "antique" look.  Here is another picture of the quilt in my childhood doll stroller.

The doll stroller has seen a lot of use - first with me and then my children, and finally my grandchildren.  I asked my mother what happened to the sun shade, as I had seen strollers similar to mine that were equipped with an additional woven sun shield  (see the below picture)

She laughed, and said you and your brother took it off and used it as a "sled" to slide down the hill in the snow.  We were the king and queen of "making do" if we didn't have the toys that other children had.  So evidently we didn't have a sled (or two sleds) and made do.  Living in Michigan in the wintertime - you have to have sleds!

I will close today with a picture of hydrangeas cut from my front yard.  They have been especially beautiful this year.

Hope you enjoyed the childhood toys and the doll quilt.


  1. So simple and yet so pretty! I love it! I like the way it drapes. Do you mind sharing what you used for batting?

    1. Hi Cathy, I used white flannel as batting. I like flannel because it doesn't add bulk, and the quilt drapes as a larger quilt.

  2. Just beautiful,and a great story to go with it! Glad you shared, and the hydrangeas, too!

  3. Another gorgeous doll quilt! It looks perfect in the doll carriage, with or without a top. Where in Michigan did you live? Your hydrangeas are gorgeous.

  4. The tea dying really made it look like an authentic antique. I love the blue and white combo.

  5. Wonderful little quilt - it looks vintage. Your props and story are endearing too. :)


  6. Judy, great story, and I always enjoy looking at your photos as much as your quilts. You have a great talent for setting the scene. And yes, I know about those Michigan winters, too.

  7. love the story and oh I love this quilt
    I have been taken with blues that you tea dyed it to add an aged look, you certainly achieved that!
    thanks for sharing


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