
Monday, September 10, 2012

Making a Doll Quilt Twice

Today my post is about how not to make a quilt.  I bought a cute little indigo doll quilt kit on Etsy, and when I put it together, I wasn't happy with it - although I loved the fabrics.

Here is the kit, as first assembled:

It was nice, but the blues didn't show up as I wanted them too, and it looked like one dark piece of fabric when I looked at it from a distance.

What to do....what to do....I cut up a paper napkin into little squares and laid them over some of the indigo squares, and looked at the quilt with some of the darkness gone:

Better.  Oops I see I took a nice picture of my toes!  Sorry about that!

So I picked up my trusty friend, Mr. Seamripper, and took it apart.  Luckily, the Etsy shop kit maker had included extra white fabric in case I needed it.  

Lesson learned. The next time I make even a small doll quilt, I will look at it before assembly to see if I will be happy with the finished design.   Below is the final version of the top, ready to be quilted.

Do you like it?  Please don't tell me you like the first version better.....I'm not taking it apart again.  hehehe

While at the AQS Grand Rapids quilt show, I took a class in machine quilting and am going to attempt something other than straight lines on this one.....stay tuned.

Have a nice Monday everyone!   Judy


  1. Love what you did to the quilt. It was worth fixing. Also love the dog days of summer photo in an earlier post.

  2. Yeah, I like the 2nd one better. Now you have 12 little squares to do something else with! You didn't throw them away did you?! :)


  3. Great was worth you fixing this darling little quilt!

    :) Carolyn

  4. Your right, the first one just looks like a bunch of same color fabric sewn together. I always say, "if I don't like something in a quilt, rip it out or throw it away," nothing worse than trying to finish something you don't like.

  5. I love your revision to the quilt. It is just wonderful. Sorry you had to rip to get it to be what it needed to be.

  6. Yep good call on ripping it out. The second one is way better. Just beautiful.

  7. very cute now. Love the paper towel as an auditioning tool!

  8. Love the second version MUCH better!! It's gorgeous!

  9. I definitely love the second look much better than the first! Put your seam ripper away. Good luck with the quilitng.

  10. I love the second (and current) choice! So beautiful! Can't wait to see it quilted... I'm no good at machine quilting anything really beautiful, but I have great expectations of you! Keep up the wonderful work!

  11. I agree with everyone--you really did IMPROVE the quilt and I think it was definitely worth the effort. Now, it's a classic. Do you have a quilting design in mind?

  12. i DO like it and i like those little wreaths that you're going to quilt on it too~!!~



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