
Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend in Michigan

Some of you asked to see the "Third Weekend in October" leaf quilt on a bed: 
We are at the cabin and this king sized quilt is perfect for this rustic Amish made bed, don't you agree?

While preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, I wanted to make three pies, 2 pumpkin and 1 apple.  But I have only two pie plates in my limited kitchen pans up there, so I made do with a square pan for the apple pie.  It tastes just as good as a round pie, and we had a great Thanksgiving dinner, with so much to be thankful for.  Here's a picture of the pies:


Have you ever made a square pie? 

I will leave you today with a picture of the mute swans on the lake in front of the cabin.  They are so beautiful, and I love to watch them as they plunge their heads under the water to eat and their tailfeathers tip up in the air.  Very peaceful and serene, just like our Thanksgiving dinner with family.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


  1. Can't imagine a better place for your October Leaf quilt than on a log bed in a cabin! A perfect match! Have never made a square pie, but I'm sure it was just as delicious! Happy to hear you had a serene Thanksgiving day... your surroundings look wonderful!

  2. Your quilt looks great on that type of bed.

    I have never made a pie (with crusts) from scratch so I admire pie makers of any kind - round or square!


  3. What a delightful way to spend Thanksgiving! Love your beautiful Leaf quilt!

    Have a great week end with your family!

    Carolyn :)

  4. I love your beautiful quilt, your rustic bed, your knotty pine walls and your square pie!!!! Sometimes you just have to think 'outside the box'!

    The swans are beautiful, too....such graceful creatures.

    Have a wondeful, relaxing weekend!


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊