
Monday, May 6, 2013

Quilting and Gardening - I love it!

This week has been filled with quilting and gardening - two of my favorite things.  I was gone most of April, and the garden grew like weeds, and the weeds grew like, well, weeds.  So I've been outside for at least an hour a day, sorting my stash of flowers and pitching my stash of weeds.

I finished binding my copy of a nine patch from the book Childhood Treasures.  It now belongs to my doll Hitty, and here is a picture of her with her new quilt, and the book's picture.  Childhood Treasures - Doll Quilts By and For Children, by Merikay Waldvogel, is one of my favorite books.

The little quilt finished at 14 inches square, and the nine patch pieces are 1.25 inches square.

I've been working on Birds of a Feather and here's my progress:

I liked the orange bird I inherited with this UFO from my friend Sharyn, and added  leaves in fall colors.  There is going to be a bright berry in the mouth of the bird.

We have wrens building a nest in a birdhouse on our front porch, and the chimney swifts are nesting in our chimney, so I feel blessed by birds inside and outside.

I finished sewing the red print flowers on this one, so one block is complete!  I am finding that the more applique that I do, the more I like it.

I'm posting a link to Design Wall Mondays at this blog.
(Patchwork Times Blog)

I like to see what everyone else is working on each Monday, and looking there reminds me to post to you what I've been working on.  


  1. Wonderful doll quilt.
    Your applique is beautiful. Don't work in that garden to long!!

  2. What lovely projects!!
    I've been trying to stay ahead of my's not working. lol

  3. I know what you mean about applique... the more I do, the more I enjoy it as well! Yours is beautiful! I meant to leave a comment on the post before this one... love the heart needlecase. Using the cardboard hearts to make this was a group project at a retreat I went to about 2 years ago. It was a very fun project! Love the embroidery on yours!

  4. Hitty looks very pleased with your new mini! It's wonderful. I worked a short time today in my flowers/weeds. The weather has been beautiful.


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