
Friday, March 28, 2014

Basket Piecing Project

Want to learn how to do something better?  Do it 76 times!  This week I finished a block exchange project that I started on in January.  This picture was from a post back in January: 

Here's a snapshot of my design wall today:

These blocks finish at 6 inches square, and are made from shirtings and civil war repros.  In April, 72 blocks will be exchanged between 12 quilters, and we will all come home with blocks made from a variety of stashes.  Very exciting. 

Next on this project will be deciding what to make with them.  What vintage quilt have you seen that you think I could reproduce, using these basket blocks?


  1. Very cool baskets. I always like baskets arranged in a strippy quilt. There are so many civil war repros with border stripes.

  2. Hi Judy
    When I see all those baskets I see streak of lightning pattern that they would work well in. I see you follow Lori of Humble Quilts blog. I have had a pattern that was on her blog which I bookmarked for inspiration, it's similar to streak of lightning. She calls hers Heritage Stars and it was posted May 16, 2011. Obviously she used stars not baskets!

  3. They are lovely. One of my favorite blocks. Hugs

  4. Love your little baskets! Too true about practice making perfect.:)

  5. That's a lot of blocks! They sure are beautiful!
    Your swap will be wonderful.


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊