
Friday, May 23, 2014

Non-Quilty Things Going On Here

First, a good friend brings me peonies every year.  This is this year's beautiful heavenly, fragrant bouquet.  I just love them.  The whole kitchen has this beautiful smell and it makes me smile.  Thank you to my friend Joy.  I am blessed.

Secondly, our refrigerator died.  But it turned out well, because here is the replacement:  Ta Da!!! 
It has great lighting on the inside, and the main door opens two ways.  If you just want something out of the door storage area, (salad dressings, or condiments), you can open the door this way:

The door opens with nothing attached to the door, and you can gain access to all the shelves that are normally attached to the door.

The door also opens the regular way, to gain access to the main part of the refrigerator:
Then there is the freezer door, with the water and ice access on the outside:
Is it possible to be in love with a refrigerator?  If so, I am.

Thirdly, we cleaned the garage.  We do this every 10 years, whether it needs it or not, she says sarcastically.  Wow!  What a difference.  I now know where everything is out there, AND, we can fit two cars into the garage.  Always a good thing to use something for its intended use!  

So, my quilting accomplishments have been slim and nil.  I did finish the redwork square with the three birds.

I have been spending extra time caring for our dear old yellow lab, Sally.  She turned 14 in early May, and the average life span for labradors is 10-12 years. She is peeking around the corner in one of the refrigerator pictures.  

Hope I can have some quilts to show you next week, but this week has been non-quilty.


  1. I can smell the lovely Peonies from here!

    Happy that you have a new refrigerator....great storage features!

    Hugs, Carolyn

  2. I love peonies... what a wonderful fragrance!
    Appliances get fancier every year... I'm holding out for an oven that will prepare and cook a meal... you never know!
    It's okay to have a non quilty week every once in awhile... makes you appreciate the quilty ones all the more!

  3. Lovely peonies! I like that door on your new frig. Very 'cool'. Your red work is very pretty! I hope Sally is doing better!

  4. Our yellow lab mix will be 14 in Dec. I did not know their life span was 10-12 years, just knew she was getting old! Your flowers and new fridge are quite nice, as is your embroidered birds!

  5. One: peonies are my all-time favorite.
    Two: fun to have both a new fridge and a clean garage.
    Three, and most importantly: I loved seeing Sally in the photo! I remember when you got her! Cheers to you all!


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