
Monday, June 24, 2019

Design Wall Monday - June 24, 2019

Finally I was back at the sewing machine and have something to show you. I have been working away at completing the 100" x 100" broken dishes quilt.     Here at the cabin this week, I am taking long walks in the woods with Penny Lane, and sewing rows of blocks/columns/pieces of blocks.  Here are three pictures of this week's assembly line progress:

The first picture is of a few blocks laid out on an old metal school lunch tray.
Second picture is more newly made broken dishes blocks.  Third picture is a "design wall" of a rolled up rug, as the rubber backing helps hold the pieces in place until I sew them.  

I thought I had made all of the broken dishes blocks for this quilt, but now that I'm on the bottom 20" x 100" section, I found that I am short 28 red ones and 38 green ones.  But the good news is that I've made so many of them for this quilt, that making more is a breeze.  The end is near.

What are you going to post today?  I can't wait to look at all the pictures you post.  Thank you so much for participating in Design Wall Mondays.  All I ask is that you please link back to this particular post somewhere within your blog post. 


  1. Enjoy your time at the cabin this week. Looking forward to seeing your Broken Dishes flimsy. Happy stitching this week.

  2. I just love these tiny blocks you are making

  3. You are definitely dedicated. That is an awful lot of blocks and I look forward to seeing its finish.

  4. Those broken dishes blocks are so cute made in that tiny size. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  5. I Amy enjoying those tiny broken dishes immensely, Judy!


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊