
Monday, July 27, 2020

Design Wall Monday - July 27, 2020

Good Morning Quilters!  There has been lots of family visiting this week, and not much quilting going on.  Here is the only picture I can share:

I only have a little bit to do to finish it up, but it isn’t quite done yet.  Hopefully, you will have more to share with us than I do.  

We are having lots of fun, enjoying the lake, and spending time in the sun.  Here is a picture of us while we were in Ludington one night.  This is why I haven’t been sewing:

Thanks so much for participating in Design Wall Mondays.  It is a treat to see and read about what you are doing.  Always, please provide a link back to this particular blog post from your blog post.  


  1. It takes quite awhile to make all those french knots! So nice you had a fun time with family. Happy stitching!

  2. Enjoy the time with the family. The embroidery is looking good. I really like the vase on that one.

  3. Another gorgeous block. The finished quilt will be a tree heirloom. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Thank you for the linky party.

  4. nice to have your family time I'm sure!

  5. How wonderful to have family time. We've seen both families once or twice over the last 5 months but probably won't spend much time with them for a while as they're going to NC beach. But my son's picking up a puppy on the way home so we'll want to meet the new addition to the family soon. Puppy time is so much fun!

  6. Hi - I often pop in to look at the Monday links and enjoy them immensely as well as seeing your lovely handwork.

    This week I cannot visit any of the links because the smaller, rectangular photos (rather than thumbnails) are so narrow top to bottom that when the word "visit" appears, it disappears before I can click on it. That's because my cursor has crossed the line to the photo link just below. The bottom two photo links don't have the "visit" pop-up at all. Help, please and thank you!

    Wishing you well :)

  7. Hi Judy, I'm so glad that you had a good time with family. Your embroidery is coming along. I'm sure it will be there when it's quieter. Take care!

  8. your embroidered block is beautiful. So dainty and elegant!

  9. Thank you for your kind words on my blog post. Blogger is not directing comments to my email ARRRGGHH!

    I think of the teddy bear's picnic also when I look at this block. I am glad you liked it as well as being intrigued by what appeared to be an ancient tablet.

    Your embroidery is lovely. Very antique looking and well done. Your family looks lovely also especially in their masks...stay well


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊