
Monday, March 15, 2021

Design Wall Monday - March 15, 2021

Hello friends!  My plan is to quilt and quilt and quilt all this week.  Why?  Because here is what happened last week:

I was sick with a sore throat all week, and spent most of my time in my bed or on the couch.  I did go to the doctor Thursday and test results ruled out Covid and strep throat.  But I didn’t even reply to comments on last week’s blog post.  Please forgive me!  I am feeling a little better every day, and will soon be back to normal.  Here’s a picture showing what I got accomplished since we last talked:

In other words......nothing much.  Penny Lane and Mojo kept me company which was good for me.  And hubby did all the household things I usually do, and also took care of me.  I am blessed.

I hope you are well, and have lovely things to show us on your linkups to Design Wall Monday. Please add your blog below and we can follow the link to read about your progress.  I would like you to mention Design Wall Monday and also provide a link back here from within your post.  Thank you.


  1. I'm very glad it wasn't covid or strep, a week of resting was the best medicine. Hope you get some energy back this week, happy stitching!

  2. Sore throats are no fun. Glad you are feeling better. Have a great week of stitching time.

  3. Sorry you were under the weather. But it looks like you spent quality time with your babies!

  4. So sorry your were down all week. Hope you will be in the pink again soon!

  5. Bummer but it's nice you have living blankets! (wow! a white couch that dogs are allowed on!!! But they are white dogs so probably not a big deal!) Here's to feeling better.

  6. It's funny how a sore throat can make you feel so poorly. So thankful for you it is nothing worse. Looks like you are super comfy there and your dogs are loving having a lie about momma!

  7. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, but glad it wasn't covid!
    The puppies are so happy to keep you company until you recover!

  8. Hope you feel better soon. Looks like you have great couch warmers though. Mine are cats 🐈.

  9. So happy it was not the C word! I had different reason but nothing much done here in the last month! Today I will be sewing again as I shot that Gorilla that has been hanging over my head for good! Enjoy the week and get better! Hugs

  10. Well those are real dog blankets, there, ha ha! They probably kept you plenty warm, and prevented you from getting up and overexerting yourself. Hope you mend soon so you can get back to what you enjoy.

  11. Hope you are feeling better soon. Good to have such caring family while you are resting and recuperating. Linking up for the first time. Thank you for hosting ... :) Pat

  12. Hope you are feeling lots better! Those sweet dogs were concerned about you!

  13. I had a sore throat for a month once. It wasn’t strep but I was miserable. I went to a new dr and she said my sore throat was caused by my sinus. She said to use saline nasal spray. It worked amazing -do that a few times a day- NO MORE SORE THROAT. It worked for me and would be harmless if it didn’t. I hope this may help you......
    Feel better.

  14. ASo sorry you weren't feeling good, but from the picture I can tell you had good nurses working to help comfort and keep you warm. I'm soon getting hip surgery and wanted to get the fabrics cut that I'd ironed and laid out, way back in...(?) I got 10 of them cut into the strips I'm after, and found 3 new to me ones that I'd washed and dried but not ironed... and could not find the iron! A few days later I found the iron, but need to wait till sometime when kitty is enjoying the great outdoors so she does not molest the iron or go after the strings! I better get at that, surgery is coming up! Chat later... j


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊