
Monday, May 3, 2021

Design Wall Monday - May 3, 2021

 May Basket Quilt - an update for you for the first week of May.  Here are the latest two completed blocks:

There are 30 basket blocks in the quilt, and these two are #23 and #24.  So I’m down to the last six, and it is fun to be on the home stretch.

And here’s where the flag quilt “10 Cents A Chance”, is right now.  There are 288 appliquéd stars, so I decided to make one flag, 48 stars, and then decide if I want to make the whole quilt.   To start, I took freezer paper out and cut a piece the size of the blue star field.  I then sectioned it into smaller sections, and traced the star pattern onto it.  I decided to think about the project as four sections with 12 stars in each.  I am now starting to appliqué  stars, and yesterday, I appliquéd three stars.  At this rate, I could do 12 stars each week, and finish the first flag this month.  

Here is my Freezer paper “pattern”:

And yesterday’s three stars:

What are you working on this first Monday in May?  As usual, the rules are to link back to this post from somewhere within your post, and to talk about Design Wall Mondays on your blog.  Looking forward to seeing what you are working on.  Thanks for joining in!


  1. Your embroidered baskets are so pretty! You were smart to break the stars down into 4 groups, that make it so much easier. Happy stitching!

  2. The embroidery blocks turned out beautifully! That's going to be a lot of stars, but it should be doable by breaking them up like you have. Looking forward to seeing both quilts come together.

  3. As you know by now I adore these embroidered baskets of yours. And what a great plan you've worked out for those stars. That's so sensible; I should put more thought into this part of the process too instead of jumping right into the stitching.

  4. I am still in love with your baskets and getting excited to see them all put together. Thank you for the linky party.

  5. Your basket blocks are so pretty. I know you are so excited with so few left to work on . And great plan on getting all of those stars appliqued. I can not wait to see this flag progress. Have a lovely week and happy quilting. Also thank you so much for hosting the link party.

  6. Your baskets are beautiful! I am working on a Dresden Plate and drew grids on a section of the background fabric so I am not having to handle the 5" squares! I learned this technique from Carol Armstrong in early 2000 when she had a quilt pattern in a magazine. Really is nice to do the grid for placement! The flag will be very pretty!

  7. Hi Judy, those two baskets are so pretty. I'm sure that it's great to be seeing the home stretch, no matter how enjoyable the embroidering is. Good luck with those stars! I think that making sets of 12 is a great idea to break them down. Take care.

  8. Well you are very clever to portion out your applique that way. Love the baskets, down to six left--yay!


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊