
Monday, May 31, 2021

Design Wall Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day in America is a day to honor those who have fought and died for our country.  When I was a child, it was called "Decoration Day" and we decorated the graves of soldier in the cemetery.  When I was 28 years old, it was changed to "Memorial Day" and was made a holiday on the last Monday of May each year.  One of my favorite Memorial Day pictures, which I've posted here before, is of a little girl helping her mother decorate soldier's graves:

This week has been a sad one for us as we had to put Mojo down.  Mojo, the rescue dog was only with us for five months, and we knew when we adopted him that he was an old dog.  This last week  was his final week (tumors of cancer).  While hubby was on his golfing trip, I spent most of my time with him, letting him sleep with me, and lay beside me wherever I was.  Last Wednesday, he was not able to walk and hadn't eaten anything for days, so it was time.    It is amazing how much we loved Mojo after only knowing him for five months.  He was a very wise old soul and we miss him a lot.  Penny Lane doesn't quite understand where "her" dog went.

Here are some pictures of Mojo, with Penny Lane in one of them:

I did finish one more May Day basket block, as May draws to a close.  This one is number 26, with four more to go.  A picture below shows my finished block:

Here is another older version of the same block, that was on my computer, and I don't know the source:

It looks like the older version has blue sashing.  I like them set on point, but I don't have further plans on how to finish this quilt.  It will come to me.  

What are you working on this week?  Please link up with the Design Wall Mondays Linkup Party below, and show us what you are making.  Thanks for participating.


  1. I'm sorry you had to put your dog to sleep this week, you will miss him since he had become a part of your lives. Your basket is very pretty, did it embroider faster since it didn't have so many french knots? Happy stitching!

  2. Sounds like you gave Mojo a very loving last week. So sorry that your heart hurts. You are moving along on the embroidery. Looking forward to watching all the blocks come together in whatever setting you design.

  3. Sorry to hear about Mojo... you were very generous and kind to give him a loving home until he passed. Your May basket is lovely. It is fun to see it stitched in different colours also.

  4. Oh I am so sorry to hear about Mojo - heartbreaking. I am glad he could come to live with you in his final days - I bet that made him so happy.
    Beautiful Basket!

  5. Sorry you had to say goodbye to your boy, but I thank you for taking him in. Living his final days in a loving home was a wonderful gift.

    Andrea in MO

  6. oh nooooo I'm so sorry... I felt the loss of my two companions so keenly it took almost a year to move on. Love happens so instantly doesn't it? If only people could love so quickly and completely we might have less hatred in our country. I never had two dogs at once, so I don't know how to help Penny Lane. I'm so glad you and mojo found each other to ease his way into the spirit.

  7. It's so sad about Mojo, but he obviously was well loved in his last few months. Those fur babies bring such love into our lives.

  8. Bless you for letting Mojo know love in his final months.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. Dogs are family. It doesn't matter that he was only with you a short time, he was still family.

  10. Oh Judy, the poor old boy and how fortunate he found you for such kindness and gentle care during his last days.
    Ah the baskets. I'll be sorry when you finish these.

  11. So sorry to hear of your loss. Even though Mojo was only with you for a short while, it sounds like he took a big place in your heart and I’m sure you did in his.

  12. Mojo was lucky to share his last months with care and attention from your family. He sounds like a good old boy.
    Your ongoing embroidery blocks are so pretty. Hope you had more time for stitching.


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