
Monday, April 11, 2022

Design Wall Mondays - April 11, 2022

Good Morning Quilters! 

This is the last month I am working on reducing the plaid stash.  I have the two quilts I talked about last week packaged up ready for the long arm quilter.  

So here is another plaid quilt on the design wall.  The squares have to be trimmed to the same size, and sewn together.  I may rearrange some of them before that, but they are on the design wall for a few days to see if this is their final version.

Here's a picture of all the blocks:

And here is a closer picture of the center, and this picture shows the colors better:

The only plaid quilt in the UFOs now is the one where I was not happy with the contrast between lights and darks.  Remember this one?  I like the contrast in the far right column best, and am unhappy with the far left two columns with little contrast.  It is still in time out.

The good news is that next month I am getting the 30 embroidered May Day Baskets blocks out and plan to get that quilt on the design wall for a May finish.  I have the 30s green fabric purchased for the alternate squares, and just have to cut the green fabric and put it all together on the wall.  I am looking forward to getting it finished.

What are you working on this week?  I am so happy that I get to see what you are working on.  Sometimes after reading one of your blogs, I want to drop my own plans and do the same project you are doing.  So I live vicariously through all of you.  Thank you!  Please join the Design Wall Mondays Linky Party below, and don't forget to mention Design Wall Monday in your post, and also provide a link back to this post (also within your post)  I appreciate you.


  1. The current plaid projects looks good. I'm excited though about you getting the May baskets sewn together. She's going to be a beauty! Happy stitching!

  2. your plaid month has me working on plaids too haha. Fun star in plaids

  3. I made one block with plaids yesterday and it turned out awful - how do yours manage to look so nice! My block looked like a crooked mess and it wasn't :)

  4. your plaids are sew wonderful! I'm living vicariously through you now!!!

  5. I have almost no plaids in my stash, but every time I see a plaid quilt I get that urge to make one. I really like that braid quilt, even with areas of low contrast. I think it will be really masculine and very striking.

  6. I’m really liking the star medallion quilt on your wall, Judy. Although it reminds me I really need to dig into my plaid bin and do something with all those wonderful (and maybe not so wonderful) homespuns! I tried to make a “rope” quilt like your second one once. Getting the colors/contrast right is harder than it looks. Mine turned out a royal mess! Yours just needs a little more fine tuning, and it will be beautiful.

  7. I like four red star in all the blue and darker plaids. I have a plaid braid quilt I. Time out too. Actually I was just waiting to get some fabric to go between the columns of the braid. Who knows when I’ll take it out to work on it. I did buy a nice wide back to cut the go between fabric and hopefully the backing too. We'll see. Ooh it'll be fun to see the baskets again.

  8. Love that pop of red in the star you are forming with those plaids. I really think you will work out a little more contrast in those blues to suit your eye. It will be smashing I have no doubt. Meanwhile, I look forward to those baskets coming out and on the wall!

  9. Love the plaids. The low volume dark plaids may look entirely different to you as you play with more options. I like them!

  10. Hi Judy, I love the red star in your most recent plaid quilt. Is the low contract plaid quilt pieced? Is there any way to cut up more light strips and switch them out? I hope that it works out. I know that this is probably right outside of your comfort zone, but if they are stitched, you could take the rotary cutter to it and cut it and move things around while perhaps adding some light sashing....I know, pretty drastic but it could work out :-) Have a great week!

  11. Your plaid quilts are looking fabulous. The red sure does pop in the first one. Love it! I think it is fabulous that you have a design wall that you can work off of even when one goes into time out for a bit. You can stew over what needs to be done. Looking forward to seeing next month's May Baskets and the pretty green fabric that you have chosen. Thank you for hosting the link party and have a wonderful and blessed Easter week.

  12. Your plaid quilts just look so warm and cozy. And you’ve been really industrious about creating them. Bravo. I’ll be eager to see those embroidered blocks.


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊