
Monday, September 12, 2022

Design Wall Monday - September 12, 2022

Good Morning Quilters!

Here is a picture of my design wall, and it has been at this stage of progress, or should I say “non-progress” for a while.  My goal this week is to add another block.

Very slow progress, but this week I am enthused again to make more blocks.  This block only needs three flowers appliquéd and it will be ready to add to the wall.

I am still sorting and cleaning out my “stuff” left from combining cabin things and home things,  My first goal is always to sort:  “put like things together”. “like with like”.  When I do that, my next step is to shake my head and wonder why do I have so many things?  For instance, lint rollers….why do I have five?  Who knows, there may be more, I’m not finished cleaning all the house.    It does feel good to sort and make order and donate extra things.  I am keeping two.  One and a spare.

What are you working on this week?  The blog posts were great this past week.  You showing me your progress was the inspiration that got me back to making blocks for the Benjamin Biggs Quilt.  Thank you.  

Please link below to join our Design Wall Mondays Linky Party.  You make me so happy.  Thank you for your faithfulness.  We are blessed!  You get a gold star on your forehead if you link back to this blog post from within your blog, and also mention Design Wall Monday in your blog.   (It is just an imaginary gold star, but I give imaginary ones to myself all the time, and they really make me feel good.)


  1. I enjoy watching your progress with Ben, that's a beautiful quilt! I'm still slowly wading through all the accumulation of 46 years! So far I've only found 2 lint rollers which is fine. However, I apparently had planned on making a lot of wall hangings in embroidery hoops! My philosophy has become, if I haven't used it in 20 years, then it needs to be donated to the resale shop. And project bags, where did they all come from? I think I brought a lot of them home from my parents place when we were cleaning out there. They're also going to be donated. I'm making weekly donations to the shop. It's good I'm cleaning this stuff out now, it will save part of the chore for our children. Happy stitching and see you in 2 months!

  2. I try to stay on top of the cleaning out esp. because Hubby is a pack rat. We have many lint rollers closets, drawers and even in the car! We lived with Rex, the German Shepherd, who shed like crazy year round. Always brushing hair off something. Now Ned is not so bad.
    Your applique blocks are beautiful, Judy.

  3. The quilt-in-progress is lovely. Traditional colors are always a comfort. When we cleaned out our parents' house 20 yrs ago I remarked on how many multiples there were, some things opened/started and some not. I resolved that I would not do that. And pretty much I don't. I posted today about the destash/downsize gift I received and I know I need to have the same attitude about quilting stuff . . .

  4. Thank you for the gold star :)
    Enjoy your applique and making some progress on this awesome quilt!

  5. Sorting through all of the "stuff" we accumulate over the years is a pretty overwhelming activity. I'm dreading that task myself but know that I need to tackle a couple of closets very soon.

  6. I was going to say don't throw out those lint rollers. But then I looked at the pic a bit better. Two looked empty. Yep, move those on out. I always try to buy additional sticky rolls that I can use with the handle I have -- sometimes it works and sometimes not...although truth be told I don't really use them all that much. Yea for becoming inspired again! I hope you finish that one block and get a good start on another! Go girl!

  7. Hi Judy, good luck with your block and your sorting (I really dislike doing that and usually give up way too quickly!) Have a great week.

  8. Sounds like the combining and sorting is going well. Really enjoy seeing your quilt blocks

  9. Love your blocks!
    Your 5 lint rollers gave me a chuckle.


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