
Monday, February 5, 2024

Design Wall Monday - February 5, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

I have made a little more progress on my “Two Step” quilt assembly.  Last week I had the top half of the quilt all assembled, and had started on the bottom half.  Here’s a picture of where I am with the bottom half right now: (top half is not on the design wall)

I have two more rows to sew into long strips, and here are the blocks:

But then I have to sew each of the ten rows to each other, and I will be using pins to make sure the blocks line up.  Slow work for me.  I think it will be all assembled by next week though.  I am ready for it to be a quilt top.

Have you made progress this week?  We are looking forward to you telling us about what you are working on.  So please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below.  Thanks to all of you who are faithful in linking up each week.  I appreciate you.  


  1. There always come a point when making a quilt that we're just ready to be done with it! Happy stitching!

  2. i am loving this project...very always gets me...

  3. That's a lot of blocks to sew together. Fingers crossed it's a finished quilt top by the end of this week.

  4. the quilt will be worth all the work that went into it - a nice blue/white quilt

  5. You are being really dedicated to your current project. It's going to be amazing when done.

  6. I really like those blue blocks, you have so many!! Happy stitching tho and what a great quilt it will be when it is done. Stay safe and sew on!

  7. Two Step is just dancing along!! LOVE it!

  8. I love your blue and white quilt. So many gorgeous fabrics included. And I love that you have the linky party every Monday!

  9. Hi Judy, good luck with the assembling of the rows. That is slow work :-)

  10. I'm slow to link up this week because I have been at retreat and sewing like a crazy woman! LOL


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊