
Monday, June 24, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 24, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

I am happy to report that I am all well. (knee replacement surgery June 3), and am back to quilting.  It is so good to be back.  I finished the binding on the Two Step Quilt and here is a picture of it in the family room, on the couch.  The squares finish at five inches, and there are 20 squares across and 20 down.  Making the finished quilt measure 100” by 100”.  King size for our bed.

Closer picture:

I like it so much!  I will make a label this week.  The idea came from a book by Barbara Brackman, but I think her squares are a different size.  I blogged about it (Here)

While finishing the binding on this quilt, I decided to make a small quilt/doll quilt of the same design.  So here’s my start, with four little blocks made yesterday:

Aren’t they cute?  If you would like to make a little quilt too, here is my plan:

Finished block size will be 2.5 inches square, and I will make 32 of the indigo centered blocks and 32 of the shirting centered blocks.  The little quilt will then be 20 inches square.  I am thinking 8 squares across and 8 down.

Cutting directions:

Cut the centers at 2” x 2”           (32 dark and 32 light)

Cut the shorter borders at 1” x 2”        (64 dark and 64 light)

Cut the longer borders at 1” x 3”        (64 dark and 64 light)

Let me know if you decide to make one.  I think it will go quite fast.  It can be a little leader/ender project.

What is on your design wall?  Mine still has the Hour Glass Challenge quilt on it, and I did get all of the rest of the hour glass blocks made for the final border (132) so assembly of “blocks” of 36 of the hour glass blocks will now begin.  It’s exciting to be near the end.  

Thanks for your beautiful pictures and blog posts for our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I appreciate you very much.  Click the link below and show us what you are working on.

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 17, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

What is on your design wall?  As most of you know, I am recovering from knee surgery that happened two Mondays ago.  Everything is going as planned and I will go to the surgeon’s office to have the stitches (actually staples) removed in two days.  My progress has been great in all areas except getting back to my design wall.  So my design wall looks the same as it did two weeks ago.

This week will probably be the week that I get back to making hourglass blocks so I can finish the left border.  We shall see.

On June 15th, we celebrated 61 years of married bliss.  We ventured out of the house that day to go to a graduation party, and on the way there, we stopped at a drug store to buy me a cane.  I am recovering enough from a borrowed walker to move to using a cane.  Anyway, when we got back into the car after purchasing the cane, hubby looked at me with a grin and said “Happy Anniversary”.  lol. 

Actually, a cane is probably a needed 61 year anniversary present in a lot of cases.  I must report that he also bought me flowers and candy, and has been a great nurse while I’ve been laid up.  I am blessed to have such a great hubby.

What is new on your design wall?  Or what are you working on?  Please link up below and show us.  Reading your blogs and seeing your pictures makes us happy.  Thanks for joining our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 10,2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This is the last picture of me with my vintage 81 year old right knee before it got replaced with the new one.  DH took a picture of me in my lovely “disposable fabric” hospital gown in the pre surgery area last Monday morning.

Of course, after we figured out how to unfold it and get the thing on, I remembered that the nurse had wanted me to swipe down my entire body with antibiotic wipes before I put it on….which I had forgotten to do.  That’s what we were laughing about as I posed for my “before” picture…….that I would have to take it off again and do the wipes….and then hopefully figure out how it went back on.  These hospital staffs have us do everything for them nowadays!  haha   

So surgery went very-very well, and I was back at home by 2:00 PM the same day!  All week long I’m in pjs, compression socks, ace bandages around my right knee, an ice water pump attached to my knee area, and a big blue elevation wedge under my right leg.  Any walking is done with a walker.

Wedge looks like this:

DH aka “Nurse” takes care of me very very well.  A Physical Therapy Nurse comes to visit twice a week for these first two weeks, and she says I’m doing very well also. 

Friends stopped in, bringing flowers, food, and well wishes all week long.  Calls, texts, emails, all week long.  AND, it wasn’t planned, but you who have known me a long time, know that I love tennis.  It was French Open week!  and there was great tennis on tv all week long.  Serendipity! 

Nurse Penny Lane thought that besides the compression socks, I needed a little dog “chest compression” time.  She did her best to comfort me, and was especially helpful with nap time.  She is a very good nap taker.


Quilting should resume next week, as I am mending so fast.  There are lots of people praying for a speedy recovery for me, and I can feel God’s blessings every day.  Thank you for carrying on here for me last week.  And thank you to those of you who prayed.  I am mending fast.

My design wall looks the same, so no pictures of it for you this week.  Join the Design Wall Linky Party below and dazzle us with something please.  You provide us with such great pictures and blog posts.  Thanks!

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 3, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

When you read this post Monday morning, I will be in the hospital getting a brand new titanium knee.  Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 AM, and I will be in surgery for about 2 hours.  It is going to improve my mobility when I am healed, but I will not be sewing for a few days.  Please pray for a speedy recovery for my body.

This past week I did sew some more hourglass blocks and now three of the outer borders are complete.  Here is my design wall picture:

I looked at my pile of hourglass blocks that are made, and calculated how many more I need to complete the fourth border.  I need to make about 150 more hourglasses.  Here is the progress picture from a few days ago:

What is on your design wall?  Or, if not a design wall picture, show us what you are working on today.  Just click on the link below.

Thanks for participating in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I appreciate all of you.  And thank you for your prayers for me this week.

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