
Monday, July 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday - July 22, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

I am making progress  on my bowtie blocks UFOs.  Here is the design wall with my yellow skirt fabric and the solid red bows.  It will finish at 45 inches square.

The method of construction I used is the old fashioned method of five pieces of fabric in a block.   I sewed the middle square to the long inside part of two background fabrics.  Then I sewed the other two sides of the middle bow piece to the long inside edge of two red outside bow pieces.  What was next was sewing the four short seams to connect the red bow pieces to their corresponding background pieces.  I am not good at Y seams, needle down and swiveling way, and this method was easier for me than doing that.  Hope this makes sense to you.

The next set of  bowtie block pieces in this UFO box, (that I asked you for background advice about) have been waiting for their turn.  I have decided to use solid color off white (muslin color) as I have lots of it in my stash.  Thanks for all of your advice.  It helped.  

These guys are next and they will also finish at 5 inches square:

What is on your design wall this week?  It is always a treat to read your blogs and see your project pictures.  Remember, you don’t technically need a design wall to participate.  Just show us what you are working on.  Thanks for participating!

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  1. bow tie is one of my all time fave patterns and you have done yours very the florals!

  2. that is a different bow tie than I have seen before - great that you figured out the way to go.

  3. Good progress on your bowties! I'm looking forward to the next bowtie blocks, too!!!

  4. You've made really good progress on those red and yellow bow ties. I'd wimp out and using the modern way of piecing, but if the fabrics were already cut, I guess you have no choice. You've done really well with your modified assembly method.

  5. We get so accustomed to multi-fabric scrappy that a two-fabric, bold-color like these bowties is really eyecatching! Good for you to tackle complicated seams.

  6. The bowties are looking great. I've never made them using that method before. Very intriguing.


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊