
Monday, November 22, 2021

Design Wall Monday - November 22, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters! 

While away at a retreat, I worked on several UFOs and put them on a design board there, so I could take  pictures  for you.  

(1)  Using up old, old scraps (some from my Mom's stash) to make some baby quilts.  I used most of the old scraps, the ugly scraps, and inserted some children's prints and polka dots to make it cheery.  I think I will choose a solid background, add these strips, and make two baby quilts from this.

Close up of one strip:  (I will trim the sides to make them even before using them)

(2) A UFO of fall leaf prints and fall colors in 16 patches of half-square triangles:

This looks so "blah" on the design wall, that I decided to add a dark (maybe forest green) sashing and borders to it.  Also, with 32 blocks, I eliminated the two right side ones as "too light" and won't use them.  Leaving it 5 blocks by 6 blocks size.  So it is still a UFO, but further along, with all the blocks assembled.

(3) Another fall quilt - a Maple Leaf block project:

Everything except the far left column was my UFO.  I am now making 50 more blocks to make it much larger.  The column at the left are seven blocks made this week, plus there are 43 more leaf blocks now prepped to put together into nine patches.  Notice the leaf next to the bottom one in the left column?  I didn't discover until I took a picture that I have assembled the middle row of the nine patches backward.  My last unsewing and sewing at the retreat was to fix that block.  A picture sure points out the mistakes quickly, doesn't it?

Thanks for joining the Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  Please post your picture and link to your blog below, and show us what you were busy with this last week.  I appreciate all of you who mention Design Wall Monday within your blog post, and also provide a link back to this post from within yours.  You are my kind of people!  Happy Thanksgiving week to the American bloggers who are celebrating this week.  I am very thankful for all of you.  


  1. You accomplished a lot at retreat! It was so nice to chat with you again. I thought the days passed very quickly, more so than normal! Have a blessed Thanksgiving with whoever or however you celebrate. Happy stitching!

  2. Great projects - sometimes the decisions are the most important progress to be made

  3. I am grateful to you, Judy, for hosting DWM each week. Your retreat projects look great -- the use 'em all strips! The HSTs! And how big are the maple leaves? (I think I'd keep that mispieced row.)

  4. wowie! what beautiful colors and patterns and love all of them. I have so many ufo's but for some reason forget about them in their boxes

  5. Hi Judy, thoroughly enjoyed this post. It seems your time was productive at the retreat. I'm quite taken with those scrappy strips, reminds me of Chinese Coins. How neat to incorporate some from your mother's stash too. Pretty! Maple Leaves are always a favourite...this is going to be another beauty. Have a great week now!

  6. What a lovely Maple Leaf quilt--;)))
    and great use of all those tiny scraps; I agree that a plain strip of fabric in between would be great...hugs on a rainy Monday Julierose

  7. Wow! That is a lot of progress for one retreat! I never seem to accomplish much at retreat. Could it be the chatting and eating?? Looks like you had a super time!

  8. Hi Judy, you were very productive...I hope that you had lots of fun too! I haven't been on a retreat in a few years. Maybe one day :-) Take care.

  9. Judy you managed to get a lot done at your retreat


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