
Monday, November 8, 2021

Design Wall Monday - November 8, 2021

Good Morning Quilters!

Lately the Maple leaves and Oak leaves in Michigan have been so pretty that I felt like working on a leaf quilt.  I looked at one of my UFOs that is made with Maple leaf blocks.  Why was it a UFO?  I was trying to decide how big I wanted to make it, and couldn't decide. 

So this week, I decided on the size, calculated how many more blocks I would need to finish it....and cut some fabric.  Here is a Maple leaf block, ready to sew the nine pieces together.  But first I will trim up the hsts and applique the stem to the bottom right corner piece.  I think it finishes at 6 inches square. 

The amount of new blocks I want to finish this UFO is 50.   Since I have 49 blocks made in the UFO now, I am half way.  This week I  made all the hsts and stem pieces to make the remaining 50 blocks.  I am going to a retreat soon, and I thought this would be a good project to take with me.  It would be basically sewing together nine patches, and when I'm at a retreat, I like to take the whole room in, and work on something that I won't have to concentrate on too much.  Nothing too deep thinking for me, as I have the attention span of a gnat, and a room full of ladies quilting is so special to me - I don't want to miss any of it.

The May Day Basket block (the LAST one) is going slowly.  I looked at it yesterday and counted 13 more French knot groups that have to be embroidered on it yet.  I think it must have more French knots than most of the other blocks.  Either that, or I'm getting slower in making French knots.  I wish I knew how many French knots will be in this quilt top!  Trillions?

Here is the current status of block #30.  These flowers are of unknown origin - especially the red ones.  On most of the blocks, I can imagine what flower the maker was thinking about - on this block I can't.  So I am making them very colorful and thinking they are imaginary flowers.

What is on your design wall?  Thank you all for being so faithful in posting your pictures.  I love to look at them, and go to your blogs and read about your beautiful work.  You encourage me so much!

Please include a link back to this post within your blog post, and mention Design Wall Mondays to your readers.  I appreciate the linky party people who do that, you are my kind of people.


  1. A maple leaf quilt will be wonderful and that's a great project to work on at retreat. I agree, retreat isn't the place to make quilts you really need to concentrate on. In fact, I'm prepping one now that I will finished the prepping but it's going to stay home, too challenging for retreat. Your May basket looks great! That would be a good project to work on while chatting. See you in 9 days!

  2. Great project idea for your upcoming retreat!!! You should have it in the bag/basket!!

  3. hope you have fun at your retreat - maple leaves will work nicely there- I love being social too.

  4. great maple leaf - I have never gone on a retreat but I think I would have a hard time concentrating on anything complex

  5. I love Fall and maple leaves. WE dont' see lot of color change in Texas.

  6. I love the reds and black with that maple leaf pattern. That should be stunning!! Your embroidered baskets have all been so pretty.

  7. A maple leaf quilt is on my bucket list to make; oh Judy, will I live long enough to clear that list!! Meanwhile, maybe the artist of your basket block was just drawing what seemed like flowers and with pretty results at that. Love those pinks btw.

  8. I'd be inspired to make a leaf quilt too - one of my favorites!

  9. The leaf quilt will look wonderful, how appropriate for this time of the year. Love your hand embroidery block. Thanks for hosting the linky party.

  10. I’m in love with your Maple Leaf blocks. They are a favourite of mine being a Canadian.

  11. Years ago I made an autumn leaf quilt, in 12" finished size blocks where I had cut the leave stem 1" wide, and the square in half diagonally. Then with the seams the stem ended up 1/2" wide in the block. Your quilt is going to be beautiful.

  12. I missed signing up with you this week. I was out of town and squeaked out a post but by Monday I'd totally forgotten about it. I'll be back next monday. I like your maple leaf blocks. I keep wanting to make a maple leaf but I really need to finish most of my on-going projects before I start something new. (Although I did start a new string quilt this past week. But I'm not counting that one!)


I am always searching for new ideas and your feedback helps me learn how to do things better. Thanks for stopping by! Note that I am not on the computer daily, so responses to your comments happen when they happen.....I'm 80, and I hope allowances can be made. 😊