
Monday, January 13, 2025

Design Wall Monday - Janary 13, 2025

 Good Morning Quilters!

Here’s my design wall, as it has looked for the past month:

Last week, I talked about perseverance.  And I told you about our amaryllis that tipped over and broke off.  Well, here’s the second try of this hardy little bulb.  I am so proud of it!

So this week, I am rejoicing in perseverance and “second chances”.  This lily encouraged me to look again at the diamond blocks that have been in time out, on my design wall.  They are from a kit, Collection for a Cause, Community, by Moda.

There were two problems with my progress so far.  #1   I cut some of the blocks the wrong size……. read this December post if you want details (Here). I have decided to cut all the longer narrower block to more of the size of the shorter fatter ones.  They won’t be exactly the same size, but close enough to get this quilt moving along.  We shall see.

#2 After looking at it for a month on the design wall, I realized that there was a dark/light pattern to the quilt both horizontally and vertically.  In my start of the quilt, I had the horizontal part going, but was not paying attention to the vertical dark/light thing going on.

So this week, I used the seam ripper while on a trip - on the plane, and in the rental car - to take all the blocks apart.  I feel I am now back on the path to progress, but you never know with some quilts.  We shall see.

Also, The Cousin’s Walk border flowers are coming along as planned.  How about you?  What challenges are you attacking, and do you have any perseverance and second chance stories to tell us?

Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and share with us.

Thanks for participating.  Your blogs are so interesting, and I learn a lot from you.  I appreciate you.

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