
Monday, January 28, 2019

Design Wall Monday - January 28, 2019

This past week was one where I jumped from project to project with lots of partial progress.  Some weeks are like that.  Here’s what I mean:

1)  The cheddar baskets are sewn into groups of three for sashing and the quilt top is on the design wall right now.  I found I had one basket left over.  Maybe it will go on the label on the back.  Assembly of the quilt top is next.

2)  Lori of Humble Quilts (Here) is having a string quilt linkup at the end of every month this year, so when I saw this project in my stash, I added a few blocks to the pile.  These are small blocks that measure 4 x 4 inches unfinished.  Crazy small, but a friend started me on them, and they are fun to make.....well, fun if a few at a time.  I'm making them on muslin, so there are no papers to pull off the back.

3)  My postage stamp Valentine larger quilt is away being machine quilted, and I made a small Valentine wall quilt to go with it.  This is 14 x 15 in.  I like to have a small one to match every large quilt I make.  I don't always do it, but that is the plan.  It wasn't very hard to make, as all the squares were cut and ready in my 1.5 inch cuts box of squares.  I just had to sort through and pick out red ones and shirting ones.

4)  I continued making small 1.5 inch half square triangles to sew into broken dishes blocks (4 per block).  Here are 400 of them which will make 100 blocks.  I am trying to make 100 blocks a week, and they go pretty quickly.  This batch will make the count of finished ones 600 out of 1300.  Almost half way!

See what I mean about working on several things this week?  Hope you were able to get some projects moving along too.  It's going to be a snowy Monday here in Grand Rapids (predicted up to 10 inches) so I will continue on with my sewing fun probably stay inside all day.

Please join in the Design Wall Monday photos fun.  I love to see your pictures, and read your blogs.  As always, please refer back to this particular post somewhere within your blog post.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

All your projects are lovely. You should be able to progress them all this week with the weather we're forecast to get. Happy Stitching!

Julie in GA said...

You have so many great projects in the works! I love your arrangement of the basket blocks--it really shows them off beautifully!

Sheila said...

Your tiny string bloocks are so cute. The little heart quilt so sweet. Love all.

ThreadCatcher said...

I hop from project to project too. Keeps my hobby interesting. Your heart mini quilt is just what I was looking for for Valentine decorating. I will need to use 1.25 in squares to fit my hanger. Best get that started soon! Thanks for sharing.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the tiny baskets, I have been doing a lot of organizing around here in the sewing room I will be glad when i get done so I can get more of my quilts in progress back in progress!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Working on several things at once is a great way to make progress on several projects, especially with blocks that can be boring to sew.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love all the projects!

Angie in SoCal said...

I admire all your projects and am in awe at their size.

Rebecca Grace said...

What a cool idea, to make a smaller version of every quilt! I like the idea of using the leftover cheddar basket block for the label, too. Taking one bite at a time of each project adds up to a lot of progress over the long haul. Just keep chugging along... :-)

Sara said...

Love those little basket blocks and can't wait to see the final results. Should be amazing! Lots of fun links this week. I wish I had something to add but - maybe next week.

Susie H said...

Well, you certainly do have a lot going on! Love them all, especially the tiny baskets. Can't wait to see what becomes of your strings!

Lori said...

You do have many projects going on! That keeps the sewing room interesting:)