
Monday, April 8, 2019

Design Wall Monday - April 8, 2019

Sometimes retirement seems busier to me than when we were working.  Although we are back from our Texas trip, we are on vacation again to visit friends in Virginia.  My group of quilters who like to make civil war reproduction quilts, The Churn Dashers, is having their semi-annual meeting.

So today, I am in Williamsburg, VA, taking a tour this morning of Colonial Williamsburg's Textile Conservation storage facility and two textile labs.  The tour was arranged by one of the Churn Dasher group members, who has been a volunteer there for over twenty years.  What a treat she has provided for the group.

Here is a picture of my design wall, and as far as I am on the little baskets quilt:

The top left corner four blocks are together, and the rest are pinned up in pieces, waiting for me to get to them.  I guess I don't enjoy this part of making a quilt - obviously!
Thanks for linking up with Design Wall Mondays.  Ya'all are so talented!  (I'm in Virginia so I'm using their language)  Please provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post.  Bless your heart!  My Michigan vocabularly will be back next week when I'm back home, thanks for indulging me.  :)


Quilter Kathy said...

The basket design wall is very pretty... love the colour variations.
Have a wonderful trip! I am jealous of the textile adventures you are having!

For the love of geese said...

It's coming together and it looks great.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh have fun with the Churn Dashers!! I LOVE that name!!

AnnieO said...

All ya'all's basket blocks are adorable! I'm not a big fan of assembling diagonal rows, but congrats on getting to this stage of the quilt! I have never been to Virginia...

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty little baskets! Enjoy your Virginia tour ;)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I miss Virginia! So much beauty and so much to take in - I lived there for 3 years! Love those baskets! Enjoy your travels. South Texas is now getting hot! Darn!

QuiltGranma said...

OH! YOU are so LUCKY, getting to go to Williamsburg, VA! I haven't been there since I was 17, decades ago! From what I've seen, it is SO much more than it was then. AND I love your tiny baskets!

Rebecca Grace said...

Those little baskets are looking amazing, Judy! Have fun in the South! :-)