
Monday, February 10, 2020

Design Wall Monday - February 10, 2020

Good Morning Quilters!  It is perfect quilting weather here in Michigan.  The snow is coming down in big flakes and I am happy to be inside, nice and cozy in my quilting studio.

Triangles are being made for the final border of the Bonnie Hunter Talking Turkey quilt.  I have them up on the design wall as I make them, so I can see how many I need.  I added a white border between the quilt and the final triangles as some of you suggested.  Thanks for helping me, I agree with your advice.

Also, I sewed the binding on another quilt by machine, so I can sew the final edge of the binding down by hand.  I will show you a better picture if this one when the binding is complete.  I like to have a hand binding project in progress for evening work while I’m watching sports with hubby.

Here is a picture of our patio furniture, to show you what I mean when I say it is perfect quilting weather!  This is not meant to be a black and white picture, but that's what is outside - lots of white snow and black trees.

It’s time to show us what is on your design wall!  Please link back to this particular blog post from somewhere within your blog post and show us what you are working on.  I appreciate seeing your work so much.  Thank you.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your Bonnie Hunter Talking Turkey quilt is beautiful, the small plain border and the triangles are a perfect finishing touch!
Enjoy hand stitching and snow ;) Here in East of France, we have no snow at all, but a storm right now... crazy climate

Gretchen Weaver said...

Talking Turkey is beautiful! What a lovely addition to your quilts. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Talking Turkey is just stunning! Enjoy the snow and the stitching time. We may get a wintry mix tonight, hopefully it's heavier on the snow than on the freezing wet stuff.

Carolyn said...

You have made two very pretty quilts! Thanks for sharing.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love your Talking Turkey - I have looked at that one now and then thinking to make it one day - I don't remember is that a free pattern on Bonnie's site or was that a mystery - in a book?

Barb said...

Talking turkey is Fabulous wow~ I've always loved this pattern.
Your fans look great too, fun quilt with that red border
snow! wish we had some

Nann said...

Love TT. Do you have much red left in your stash?

Sara said...

Both of your quilts are stunning. Talking Turkey is a WOW!! We only got about 1" of new snow on Saturday, but just 45 miles north of they got 12". So we got lucky!!

Julierose said...

What beautiful quilts...I just love that Turkey quilt--all those reds are great and the triangle borders will be neat!! Nice work hugs, Julierose

Bonnie said...

I'm glad to see what you are doing with your Talking Turkey. I have a smaller version that eventually will be a wall quilt. I've got the center done just haven't decided what type of border I should put on it. And, I need to figure out what size it is and will it fit perfectly on the hanger! Please keep your snow up there!

Marti said...

Your Talking Turkey is just beautiful. My resolve not to start any new quilts is taking a beating when I look at it.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

I love that red and white! They always call my name!

Lori said...

Wow! Talking turkey is stunning!!
Love the fan quilting and the blue color. That sampler is a beauty!

AnnieO said...

Turkey Tracks looks terrific! That extra break in the design before the HSTs is very attractive. No snow in sunny California—but sadly no rain here either. Enjoy your stitching time!

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

The Bonnie Hunter quilt is nice, but I love the blue one. Hope your weather warms up soon.

Melva said...

Most of January was snow free... February is making up for it here in southern CO. Snow again, for the third or fourth time in a week. I am ready for spring!

chrisknits said...

Brrrr! I hope we don't end up with that view tomorrow night! But if so, I will be sure to have something on hand to quilt!

dq said...

Your red quilt is so breathtaking!

Sewgreen said...

I LOVE your talking turkey quilt. I have one started and I need to get working on it!!!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

The red quilt is great - love the snowy weather - we haven't had any at all in Tokyo.