
Monday, April 20, 2020

Design Wall Monday - April 20, 2020

How are you?  I had a birthday Thursday, and my internet friends kept me in smiles all day long.  Facebook puts me in touch with people I’ve known at various places/times throughout my life, and it brought me lots of good memories.   Plus all the telephone calls from children and close friends.  It was a birthday that made me feel very blessed, even though we didn’t go anywhere or do anything very special.  Hubby made a beautiful fire and we enjoyed that while I got used to being 77.  I sure don’t feel 77, but the numbers don’t lie.  We participated in a Zoom meeting with some church friends, and that was fun.  They all sang Happy Birthday to me.      

I learned that Zoom is a meeting app that allows you to see others as well as hear them on your phone.  New app for us, and we managed to get it working without too much difficulty.  It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks!

I haven’t made much progress on the redwork borders, but I did finish a basket block for the May Baskets quilt.  

Here it is, isn’t it cute? 

I am taking the redwork borders project  with me when I sit with my sister today during dialysis.  The baskets require different colors of floss, and they are easier to work on while I am home.  Sis is less anxious with me beside her, so that is going well.

Please link up and show us what you have on your Design Wall (or are working on) this week.  Please remember to link back to this blog post from somewhere within your blog post.  I thank you.


Kate said...

Happy belated birthday! Maybe not the most fun birthday ever, but it will probably be a memorable one. Very pretty embroidered block. Happy stitching this week.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Happy birthday to you, with some days late!

Julierose said...

Oh Happy Birthday--I will be 77 in May..funny I don't feel 77 "inside". Hahaha
another lovely basket of flowers...nice work
~ ~ ~ waves from the masked lady--Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you

Gretchen Weaver said...

Glad you had a nice birthday, Loving those baskets you're embroidering, great that you're making progress on 2 projects. Sun is shining brightly today here, hope you're having a sunny day in Michigan too!

maggie fellow said...

happy birthday and lovely handwork

For the love of geese said...

Glad you are well and happy belated birthday. The dialysis center near me has closed down except 3 days a week and are not allowing anyone inside who isnt being treated. Scary times. Thank you for the linkup and gorgeous basket.

Melva said...

I celebrated my birthday on Saturday! Happy belated birthday wishes to you.

Bonnie said...

I've found Zoom amazing. Hubby's barbershop chorus has continued to meet using Zoom. I've attended a Accuquilt demo offered by a store and attended a trunk show given by a teacher with one of my guilds. It's amazing how creatively folks can use that application. Try it on a computer too as you have a bigger screen. For the trunk show I attached my computer to my tv. Very nice! Keep your spirits up. And happy birthday to a young at heart gal!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'm so happy you got to enjoy such a splendid time on a notable birthday. Yes, my daughter was telling me how amazing she thought it was I still jog (a little) and she your age. I had to say I don't feel that age at all; we really don't do we? You inspire me meanwhile and I am fervently hoping my fingers will work as well as yours, Judy, if lucky enough to make it to your age.

AnnieO said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you enjoyed a lovely time with friends and family contact, though you are far from most. Lovely stitching time too, added bonus!

Susan said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

dq said...

Super cuteness is for certain! The embroidery block brightens my day.

QuiltGranma said...

A very Happy Birthday to YOU! So glad you got to have a good time with hubby, and visit via Zoom with so many! Beautiful embroidery!

Celine said...

Happy belated birthday! lovely happy basket too :-)