
Monday, September 7, 2020

Design Wall Monday - September 7, 2020

Good Morning Quilters!  September is starting to feel like fall in Michigan.  Last week I bought a white pumpkin and a mum to cheer up the front porch.  I found out the white pumpkin I bought (called “lumina”) is orange inside and can be cooked and eaten just like a regular orange pumpkin.  I am bringing it inside every night to protect it from the raccoons and other night critters around here.

My quilt of May Baskets is moving along.  I finished the last square I showed you, and also this last week finished another one, making 18 blocks embroidered.  This basket has daisies and also little flowers that are made of all French knots.  

The little round French knot flowers remind me of the ornamental chives in my yard:   

What are you working on this week?  I am looking forward to seeing all the pictures.  Today is laundry day, and it makes the task easier when I can take a break from laundry to spend time with your projects. Thank you!  Please provide a link back to this post and mention Design Wall Mondays in your post.


Kate said...

Love the white pumpkin. I didn't know white was a natural color for a pumpkin. The latest basket block looks good. There's a lot of stitching time in those blocks. So how many left to stitch?

Gretchen Weaver said...

Love the embroidered basket, happy stitching!

Nann said...

I'm not ready for mums and pumpkins! On my evening walk recently I saw two houses all decked out for Halloween. How many baskets does your project require?

Preeti said...

Such a cute basket :-) Have a happy sewing day.

AnnieO said...

Love Fall decorating. Way too hot to think about autumn in our area of SoCal--plus the state is on fire...horrible horrible destruction.

I've been without an embroidery project for weeks and really need to dig into the wool applique blocks I dug out from a long stalled BOM. Your baskets and and matching tiny flowers on the chives are sweet.

Bonnie said...

Cute little white pumpkin. It sure doesn't feel like fall here -- temps still in the high 80s. It'll come eventually usually late September or early October. Your basket flowers do look like the chive flowers. How many more blocks do you need to embroider? I'm impressed with your stick-to-itness!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I didn't know that they had white pumpkins. Fall is also here in Ontario - and very wet! Your embroidered basket is lovely. Take care.