
Monday, November 23, 2020

Design Wall Monday - November 23, 2020

Here is a start to a small quilt I am in the middle of:

I think the blocks will finish at 6” by 6” when I trim them up.  They are a match to a full sized quilt that is my UFO project for this week.

It is Thanksgiving this Thursday here in the United States.  And I’m so thankful for all of you.  From an online sermon Sunday.....give thanks in ALL circumstances because God is on His Throne.  

I found this list of 10 things I’m thankful for, by Henrik Edberg, in Sweden.  I so agree, and am sharing them here. ;The underlined words are Henrik’s and my thoughts follow without underlining.

1) A roof over my head and a warm house  When the rain and wind hit the roof and I am warm and snug inside, wrapped up in a quilt, there is nothing better.

2) Plenty of drinkable water  Such a blessing that many people don’t have yet.

3) I don’t have to go hungry  Quite the opposite around here - I have too much to eat.

4) I can enjoy the small and free pleasures in life.   a sunset, the sound of the crunch of thick leaveps as I walk, Penny Lane sleeping on my lap.

5) Access to the internet .  Remember encyclopedias?  Or going to the library to research something?  Whatever I want to learn, I learn from the internet.  Thankful for youtube quilt tutorials.

6) My friends and family. For the love, support, and fun that we have together.  The joy my grandchildren bring to me.

7) My health  All the things my body does every day that I take for granted....see, taste, listen, talk, walk, thankful.  With Covid19 all over the world, I am thankful for vaccines coming soon.

8) The kindness of people I have never met before  You all are such a blessing to me.  Through the wonder of the internet, we meet each Monday for Design Wall Mondays and I get to read about and see your beautiful work.  Thank you for reading my blog and sharing your life with me.

9) The setbacks that have formed me and made me stronger  We all have setbacks, and sometimes we can’t see their usefulness until they are gone.  In quilting, every quilt is a progressive lesson for me, and that makes it so exciting.

10)  I am alive.  2020 has been quite the year hasn’t it?  But through it all, I see a list of 10 things to be thankful for!  Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for this Monday?  Please link up and show us your projects.  As usual, I ask that you provide a link back to my blog from within your post.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Yes, there is a LOT to be thankful for, even during a pandemic. I am thankful for all the things you mentioned. I'm also thankful for my church family and all they're doing to keep us connected. I'm especially thankful for my quilting hobby. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have quilts to be made. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Beautiful blues in your new mini project. Such intricate blocks and so small! You do some great stitching. It's so easy to forget the good things as rough as this year has been for so many. Wishing you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

thankful this pandemic has not hit my family still - a couple have had it but not seriously and hope it stays that way. Thankful for all that you mention

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Yes to that marvelous list! Everything is so true and perfect for your Thanksgiving. And I love your baskets. I had to make one like that for the Farmer's Wife quilt and I was very afraid but it wasn't so bad in the end.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your new project - and your thankful list! It is always good to bring these up. #2. our music director said that sunday - that he was thankful for water - and then he told us the story of how the water came to be piped out here on the eastern plains... it was quite fascinating and made me a lot more thankful that it is there every time I turn on the tap! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

Nann said...

I've learned that when I feel blue or whiney I can snap out of the mood by counting my blessings. The list you posted applies to me, too......and we can add that we are blessed to have hobby that is a consuming passion. May your baskets of whatever color be filled with the season's bounty (metaphorically and for-real)!

Susan said...

I love your list, and am thankful for many of the same things. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rebecca Grace said...

I'm thankful for YOU, Judy! I look forward to being inspired by your projects and by all who link up and share every Monday. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you!

Jennifer said...

What a nice list of things to be thankful for - I will add that I am thankful for a hobby that is easily done during a pandemic - thank goodness for a good stash and lots of interesting things to work on during these longer days at home!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, thanks for sharing the list with us. I agree with all of it and am very grateful. Even when life is rough, there is always something that is good (although it may seem tiny at the time). Thanks for also sharing your work, your passion and your time with us. Take care.

QuiltGranma said...

Yes, we all truly have so much to be thankful for! I am thankful for the inspiration I find in quilt blogs that I read! I am thankful for the beautiful fabrics that I have stowed away for such a time as this!

Celine said...

Hope you have had a good Thanksgiving!