
Monday, July 12, 2021

Design Wall Monday - July 12, 2021

Good Morning Quilters!  

I finished another block for the May Day Basket quilt:

It has been a good week for me, in that my medical issue of a few weeks ago (sudden temporarily blindness in one eye) has been checked out thoroughly. 

I told my hubby that the brain scan results found that there was nothing there!  LOL. Actually, all tests came back with great news and the doctors are not finding anything that needs surgery. The brain scan report had the word “patent” after every artery checked.  I didn’t know what that meant, and the doctor said it meant “wide open”.  So I learned the medical use of the word patent and the report was good in my tests.

What can I do to keep healthy?  Get educated.  It was a wakeup call for me to get educated about strokes.  The lifetime risk of stroke for women between the ages of 55 and 75 in the United States is 1 in 5.  Signs of a stroke:

  • Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body.
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding speech.
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance, or lack of coordination.

If any of the above happens, call 911 immediately and get checked out.

What else can I do: 

  • Eat healthy: Choose healthy foods most of the time, including foods with less salt, or sodium, to lower my blood pressure, and that are rich in fiber and whole grains to manage my cholesterol.external icon
  • Get regular physical activity: Regular activity helps me reach and maintain a healthy weight and keeps my heart and blood vessels healthier.

Here are some glamour shots of the apple core charm quilt, “Red Delicious”.  The thrill of finishing an old UFO hasn’t worn off.  I hope you enjoy seeing it.  I called my friend Joan Edwards, who started this quilt years ago, and she was thrilled too.  I am going to wash it and get the extra red out before I add the white label with our names on it.  

On the recliner, ready for a snuggle:

Showing the back side and the curved binding:


Outside on the porch:

Full shot of the whole quilt.  It measures 64 inches square.  1,024 apple core pieces, none alike.  32 blocks by 32 blocks.

Please join the linky party and show us what you are working on this week.  Great pictures last week!

This Design Wall linky party has only two requirements.  Please comply with both.  Thanks!

1) Mention within your current post that you are participating in Design Wall Monday, and

2) Link back to this particular blog post from within your current post so it is easy for folks to jump back to this Design Wall Monday page to go to the next participant’s blog.


Gretchen Weaver said...

I am so glad there was nothing wrong! And yes, we all need to be eating more healthy and taking care of ourselves. Red Delicious is beautiful! What a wonderful finish. I think each May basket you finish is the prettiest one of all, how many more to embroider? Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Wow! Congratulations on a gorgeous finish.

Preeti said...

Judy, what a huge relief to get a good medical report. I am sure you will take good care of yourself. Red Delicious is both gorgeous and snuggly. Hope you enjoy it for a very long time.

Julierose said...

Red Delicious is just beautiful--great work hugs, Julierose

maggie fellow said...

so glad you checked out fine - the apple core quilt is a wonderful finish

For the love of geese said...

I think this basket is my favorite so far. Congrats on the finish of the apple core quilt, it's amazing. That is a lot of curved piecing. Thank you for the linky party.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I'm glad they found nothing wrong - but it still doesn't explain the temporary eye problem you had. I hope it doesn't come back. I love the apple core quilt it is so pretty

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

This quilt is a real beauty and of course, makes me want to make one!
But even better is your fantastic news...such a relief to get a clear bill of health. Thanks for those warning signs of stroke.
And it is a given that I love your embroidered basket...beautiful too, Judy.

Quilter Kathy said...

A great relief to get a clean bill of health!
Terrific finish with the red apple core... congrats!

dianesteelequilts said...

What a relief to get a clean bill of health after a scare. I experienced exactly what you are describing from the age of about 13. Looking back, the dozen or so episodes I had through the age of about 40, were always caused by stress followed by a bright light that flashed in my eye. It began as a “twinkle“ and continued until I couldn’t see, usually lasting 2-4 hours. My mother suffered from them as well, only more so and she didn’t know the tricks : a dark room and quiet always helped but I learned the trick was to immediately upon seeing that first “twinkle“ was to drink caffeine and take aspirin. Be well!

Sara said...

So glad to hear your test results are good! It's always a relief to hear that kind of news from our doctors. That red apple core quilt is amazing! And it reminds me that somewhere in my sewing room is a small section of apple core pieces I made in a class years ago. It would be a good size for a mug rug.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

So glad that your medical report came back with good news. Love your apple core quilt. It is gorgeous

Susan said...

Beautiful basket! And so glad you checked out just fine. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

Kat Scribner said...

Wow. What an amazing applecore quilt !!! All those reds! I am doing all reds & pinks in a DP quilt, but find I wish they weren't prints as not looking so pretty.

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on a great finish. Amazing all those different reds!

AnnieO said...

Glad your eyesight returned and your arteries were patent! Managing cholesterol isn't glamorous but sure extends your heart's beating. My doctor boss talks to people about that every day.
Love the apple core quilt. It looks snappy and juicy :)

Carol Andrews said...

Hurray for good tests results, getting educated and such a stunning finish. I do love your red apple core quilt and the scalloped edge just make me smile! 😄

Rebecca Grace said...

Your apple core quilt turned out fantastic! I've always wanted to make one of those. I love all of the different red fabrics in yours, and it's extra-special since your friend started it and you're finishing it. Glad all is resolved health-wise for you, too.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I'm so happy to hear about your great results. Your apple core quilt is awesome...almost good enough to eat (probably too much fibre lol). Take care and congrats on a great UFO finish!

Jennifer said...

So glad to hear the good news on the health front and your quilt looks so perfect for curling up in!