
Monday, August 16, 2021

Design Wall Monday - August 16, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters!  This past week I’ve finished a couple of projects that I was working on.  The crocheted afghan that my daughter and I worked on is finished.  It will be donated soon to a Grand Rapids non-profit organization.  

I found out that JoAnn’s Fabrics has the “Warm White” Red Heart yarn that I need to finish the baby afghan that I started for a future great-grandchild.  I will wait until I’m in Grand Rapids where there is a JoAnn’s store nearby.  So that project is on hold temporarily.

The little brown squirrel on the dish towel is complete.  I am so happy to complete some of these projects I’ve started previously.  

Since I looked at my yarn stash last week, I decided to get all my crocheting and knitting patterns out and look at them….and I got enthused about using some of my yarn.  I’ve started with my cotton yarn stash, and am having fun making new dishcloths.  Here is the one I made that used up three different leftover pink yarns:

The cotton yarn stash isn’t very big, and I like to knit and crochet, so right now I  have a dishcloth project in a carry bag with me to work on whenever I get a chance.  My plan is to use all the cotton yarn up.    The next one I have started is a knitted red dishcloth.  

What are you working on this week?  Please join the Design Wall Monday Linky Party and show us.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

The extent of my knitting skill is knitting dish cloths and not too complicated of a pattern either. I only knit when I'm watching TV. The afghan you and your daughter made is very pretty, it will be joy and warmth to someone. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

You've done well on the finish things up front. Love that deep red. Wishing lots of time this week to play with thread and yarn.

Meloney said...

I love all your yarn work. Beautiful projects.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Perfect on the go knitting projects and all this talk about yarn is making me want to get out my crochet project. Of course, I love your brown squirrel. How kind you are to donate that pretty afghan!

maggie fellow said...

I have a dwindling cotton yarn stash and need to just finish ioff. I like your ideas

Sara said...

Seeing your projects makes me tempted to find my crochet hooks and try refreshing my crochet skills. I was never very good but did enjoy it years ago. Wonder where they might be?

AnnieO said...

I haven't knitted or crocheted for decades, but love the knitted dishcloths! Sweet finish on your crochet blanket, it looks soft and warm.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such pretty projects that you have been working on. The afghan is going to be well loved and keep a lucky recipient warm this winter. That little squirrel dish towel is so stinking cute and so are the knitted dish cloths. Thank you for hosting the link party. Have a great week, my dear.

Rebecca Grace said...

I love your dish cloths and the little squirrel is so sweet, Judy!