
Monday, October 4, 2021

Design Wall Monday - October 4, 2021

Good Morning Quilters!

We are staying with friends and this quilt is on our bed in their guest room:

I think it is a mass produced quilt, as the embroidery is done by machine.  It is very  pretty and I will ask my friend more about it in the morning.

We are away from home and I have a cold, so my post today will be short and sweet.  I hope to be feeling better and at home very soon.

Please join the Design Wall Linky Party below and cheer me up with your pretty projects.  Thank you to all of you who provide a link back to this post and also mention Design Wall Mondays on your blog. You are the best!


Kate said...

Sorry you have a cold, those are absolutely no fun. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Gretchen Weaver said...

The dahlia quilt is lovely! I don't see the imported quilts as often as I used to. They're pretty quilts! Hope you feel better soon, enjoy your visit with friends!

For the love of geese said...

Oh no, I hope you feel better soon. Is it cold season already?? :( Thank you for the linky party.

Bonnie said...

Lovely quilt. But boo for the cold. I'm wondering if I might be getting one soon myself. Hope not. Get well soon.

Preeti said...

Sending warm hugs to you. Hope you feel better soon.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I hope you start feeling better soon, Judy. Such a pretty quilt. I hope you will post what you learn about it. Sending you well wishes.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I hope you feel better soon. It's no fun visiting when you don't feel well. Take care.

Carol Andrews said...

Hope you feel better sooner rather than later. That is a lovely quilt. I’m racking my brain as to where I have seen that pattern. If I remember I’ll leave a comment. 😄

Rebecca Grace said...

Hope you’re feeling better, Judy. And please do tell us if you find out more about that lovely dahlia quilt!