
Monday, June 27, 2022

Design Wall Monday - June 27, 2022

 Good Morning Quilters!

I have a different UFO on the design wall today - Benjamin Biggs Wedding quilt.  The appliqué on this quilt will help me with my sewing skills.  I am using several methods, and am going to see what method works best for me.   I found out that one of you (Chris)  See her blog post here is going to join me in finishing this UFO.  Any one else have some Benjamin Biggs Wedding Quilt blocks hidden away somewhere?

Here’s the design wall now, with a picture of the whole quilt in the block #4 space. (And, no, I still haven’t found where I put the prepped pieces for block #4).:


Here’s a closer look at blocks #6 and #7, which were completed recently:

I used a freezer paper (3 layers) pattern for the stem circle on block #7, with starching and ironing the fabric over the pattern.   This circle worked out well, so I decided to work on other blocks with circles next, and re-use my pattern.  This week I am working on two blocks that are almost the same.  Block #25 and block #9. Here is my progress on #25……I am using back basting on the four flowers:

Here are pictures of the two similar blocks from the original quilt:

I thought it would go faster if I made these two blocks at the same time.   We shall see.  My only appliqué speed right now is slow.  But with practice……I think that my speed will improve.

What are you working on this week?  Your blog posts last week were great - can’t wait to read more this week.  Thanks for joining in on the Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  Add your link below and let’s see what is happening at your house.


Preeti said...

Applique cannot be rushed, not with those tight curves. I am sure it will be worth all the time. These flowers are beautiful! HAve a great week.

Julierose said...

Your applique blocks are just lovely!! I always envy appliquers as I am not good at it at all!! Resting today as my hands are tired from stitching...
Hugs, Julierose

maggie fellow said...

the applique is so beautiful. If I don't hurry, I may not learn this art. someday....

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is going to be SO pretty!!!
and lot of love will go in to it!

Sara said...

Wow! This one will be beautiful when done. But sure looks challenging, so having someone else working along with you is a good plan. You can encourage each other. That's how I finished the Farmers Wife Sampler quilt.

Melva said...

Applique is my least accomplished skill. And, honestly, I'm okay with that LOL! I don't think that hand applique is ever a fast technique... slow and steady. Good job!

Quilter Kathy said...

Very pretty applique to enjoy and fun to practice different methods!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Applique is so soothing to stitch, especially if the care that you explain has been taken with the setting of the pieces. A wonderful project to work on and for us to follow, Judy.