
Monday, November 4, 2024

Design Wall Monday - November 4, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This is the political campaign button I wore when I voted early last week.   The election workers decided that since the Peanuts character “Lucy” was not on the ballot, they would allow me to wear it.  It is probably 40 years old.

I voted early because I am leaving tomorrow (election day) to go on a quilt retreat.  My strong belief that God is in control of everything calms me in preparation for the results in either direction.  Republican or Democrat leaders for four years; we will survive.  God is in control.

Here are a few small patriotic quilts I’ve made in the past to celebrate our democracy.

While at the retreat, I’m sure I’ll be tempted to start new projects.  Please encourage me to say no, and continue on with finishing what I have previously started.  

What are you working on this week?  This past week you had great posts.  Thank you all who participated.  I am looking forward to seeing what you are starting, working on, or finishing now.  You inspire me.  Click on the link below and let’s begin our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.


cityquilter grace said...

totally agree...have christian neighbors who rant and rail at certain candidates...i expressed the same opinion to my civic duty and vote and leave it to God...

Gretchen Weaver said...

I agree Judy, God is in control. I also voted early. I'm bringing two sewing projects to work on at retreat but then a 3rd one slipped in there! Of course, I also have a handwork project. If I can find you amongst the crowd at retreat, I'll be glad to give you a hug. Perhaps the participants in the 'bird' pattern will have a display in the hallway like last spring, I'll see you there!

maggie fellow said...

I am also grateful that God is in control and hope you get a lot accomplished

Kate said...

I like your attitude about the election. We'll vote tomorrow. Enjoy the retreat. Fingers crossed you get lots and lots done.

Sara said...

Have a wonderful time at the retreat!! I hope you are right that our country will be OK no matter how the election turns out.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohh Lucy!! LOVE her!!! You are right - its all in God's hands. Enjoy your retreat!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I especially love your yo-yo flag!!! I need one of those, too!!!

liferecipes said...

Thank you for your wonderful post! We will continue as a country. I have been saying this almost as a mantra. I will be so glad when this election is over! What would be do without God? Well, we wouldn't have air, so this question is rather silly. Have a great time at the retreat.

Carol Andrews said...

Love your election pin. As I’m writing this I’m sitting in my comfy chair in Canada watching the early results coming in and saying a few prayers that all will come right in your country since it will have an effect in my country. Hope you are enjoying your retreat. 🤗

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I hope that you have an awesome time quilting with friends!