
Monday, June 10, 2019

Design Wall Monday - June 10, 2019

Quilting?  I haven't finished a thing!  I am busy cleaning house, and rearranging the basement storage area, so the UFOs are going to be the next spring cleaning project.  Or maybe not,  I never know what cleaning project will get my attention next week.  But tonight my friend Joan Brink is coming over and we will be working on our broken dishes quilts.   She has made a lot of progress on hers - and mine.......well, I haven't worked on it since I was at a retreat in April.  So it will be good for me to return to working on it tonight.

This week I've spent organizing cookbooks and recipes.  They were stored away in boxes in a cupboard since we moved from Virginia, but I really wanted to look at them on a shelf.  I love to leaf through a recipe book.  So I bought a used bookcase, for $15, and put it up on the counter top in the laundry room, which is just off the kitchen.  

I had lots of recipes of my Mom's that I hadn't sorted through since we cleaned out her home, and a friend had asked me for her Plum Pudding recipe, which I knew was in there somewhere.  So after I got the bookcase installed, I shelved all the cookbooks, and am now organizing the newspaper clippings (both mine and Mom's) and purging some of them.   The oldest clipping was from a newspaper in 1942.   There are some old clippings that talk about rationing during the war.

It is so nice to see recipes in Mom's handwriting.  She had beautiful penmanship, and taught me good penmanship as well.  Our handwriting is similar, but I can tell hers from mine.  Some of the old recipes have no indication of oven temperature and time.....I guess I can google the recipe and add that information.  Even with all the recipes available on the Internet, it is a treat to me to make something that my Mom has made many years ago, and also see her handwriting on the card.

It is funny that with both her clippings and mine, most recipes are for cookies, pies, and desserts.   She taught me what was important!

Here is the stage my organizing project is in right now:

The stack in the foreground is the last of the piles to sort and purge.  I smile when I walk into the room, because soon I will know exactly where to find any recipe or book in my collection.  Also, I sent out the Plum Pudding recipe in the snail mail today to my friend.  

Spring weather has been super here in Michigan, and there are lots of wildflowers in our subdivision.  Here is a picture of a Wild Lupine I saw yesterday while out walking Miss Penny Lane.  

Isn't it beautiful?  I shall have to see if I can save some seeds from it this fall, and plant them in my garden.  It is also called "Sundial".  Does anyone know why it's called Sundial?

Linkup today to Design Wall Monday is happening.  I am looking forward to seeing your posts.  Please provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post.  Thanks!  I so appreciate all of you.  


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love your broken dishes quilt, and it's good to have friends working on!

Kate said...

Your Broken Dishes quilt is gorgeous. Love the pattern from the different colors in the blocks. The SIT has asked for a cookbook of our go to recipes. If I start on that now, I just might have something to give her for Christmas. Happy stitching this week.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

every now and then we need to devote time to going through books - I did that a couple months ago with quilting books, I had gotten so many over the years and knew that about half of them I would never look at again so I went through them all and stacked up books I no longer wanted and shared them with the local libraries used book store - they charge barely anything for them but use the money towards extra projects at the library - they are out of my house and now someone else is enjoying them

Quilter Kathy said...

I wish I would be more organized, but I'd rather sew :)
Have a wonderful time sewing with your friend!

Julie said...

I finished the school year last week and one of my summer projects is going through my cookbooks and recipes. I can't get to my cookbooks right now, and I have figured out how I can rearrange to be able to see them easier. Your broken dishes quilt is awesome.

Rebecca Grace said...

That Broken Dishes quilt looks amazing, Judy. What size are your blocks? I hope you enjoy sewing with your friend -- perhaps you can whip up one of those desserts to share with her? I always need someone to foist desserts on if I'm baking -- if too many treats stay in my house, too many of them will end up in my own tummy!

Jacqueline said...

I went through some fabric today and have two bags that will find a different home. It is a start anyway.

I love red,white and blue quilts. Just gave both of mine away so might have to look for the pattern you are using.

Melva said...

Sometimes you have to make a bigger mess to really get organized. That is when it is a good time for me to purge. MelvaLovesScraps(at)NolanQualityCustoms(dot)com

Sara said...

The broken dishes quilt is going to be stunning! No sewing for me lately either - a week of vacation with kids and grandkids and now working extra hours to catch up at work from being gone.