
Monday, June 17, 2019

Design Wall Monday - June 17, 2019

Hi bloggers!  Confession time:  Another non-quilting week for me.  I am finishing up the recipe books and loose recipes project, and it took me longer than I thought.

However, I am taking several projects to the cabin with me, to work on this summer, so I hope to be back in the swing of things soon.  Last Monday night Joan came over to sew with me, and I spent most of the night trying to get my featherweight to function.  Sewing machines are a joy when they are working, but are not when they are not, right?  I did enjoy seeing Joan and talking quilting with her.  It definitely got my quilting mojo back.

Saturday was our 56th anniversary.  We were married on June 15, 1963, and it doesn't seem possible that we've been married this long.  But it is true, and I feel so blessed.  We had a nice dinner yesterday with our son and part of his family to celebrate Father's Day and our anniversary.  It's hard to get his whole family together because the kids are grown up enough to all have jobs.

So instead of showing you quilting (that I didn't do this week), I thought I'd show you pictures of the beauty outside.  I have so enjoyed seeing everything come into flower around the yard.  Remember when I posted pictures of the ferns several weeks ago, when they had their "interrupted" part showing?  The picture is (Here)  

Well, look at the ferns now!  My view of them from inside the quilt room:

And a picture of the same ferns from the outside.  How they've grown!  You can barely see the "interrupted" part of their fronds now.

The Kousa Dogwood in the front yard:

And a closeup of it's beautiful blossoms:

Pinks, along the front sidewalk:

And coral bells, so dainty looking, by the flag pole:

"And next week we shall get back to our regularly scheduled programming", or  so I hope.   What have you been working on?  Do you have pictures of quilty things to show, or are you sidetracked by flowers?

Linking up is easy, and I so appreciate all of you who link up.  Please provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post.  


Wendy Caton Reed said...

What beautiful photos! If my garden looked like that I wouldn't have time to quilt! My weeds are very happy right now, I haven't touched them this spring!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

happy anniversary! we have our 47th today

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I adore pinks and wish they would crop up here! Love the close ups of the flowers. Isn't it joyful to watch things come into bloom and green up. Also joyful is your wonderful anniversary!

Denise said...

My lilies are finally blooming. Your ferns are lovely.

AnnieO said...

Happy Anniversary! Pretty yard--green green green, which disappears so fast here in SoCalif. We are fingers-crossed for no bad fire season.

Meloney said...

Those are beautiful ferns. I remember mine when I lived in FL.

Sara said...

Your yard is obviously spectacular!!! The ferns make me think of my childhood home. There were ferns along one very shady wall of the house under my parents' bedroom windows.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Beautiful flowers, and great view!

Celine said...

What a view! Happy anniversary to you send your husband.

Turid said...

I'm concerned about sewing and gardening these days. So to combine them in my linked blog post today is perfect. I love your garden.

QuiltGranma said...

Looks like areas where I've hikes... you must live in a WET area! Here the wind is gusting up to 25 mph, and dust is blowing. I live in an area that gets an average rainfall of 8 inches PER YEAR! I miss that green. But we did have a family of tiny quail with their parents go by on a field trip yesterday! That was my first sighting of the little ones this year.

Kate said...

Some weeks the stitching just doesn't happen. That was my week last week, but it was mainly due to work having to come home with me. Hopefully this week is much better for both of us. Such beautiful landscape! I hope you have a wonderful picture window in your sewing room so you can enjoy all that loveliness.