
Monday, July 8, 2019

Design Wall Monday - July 8, 2019

Did you have a nice 4th of July week?  I sure did.....however, I had so much fun and company that I didn't get any quilting done.  It made me happy to spend time with family, and we had a great time.  Here are two pictures I took this week, neither one is of quilting, but I hope you enjoy them:

The first is a vase of roses.  My nephew Doug cut some of his roses for me from a prolific bush in his backyard.  And the vase is one of my Mother's, and always reminds me of her.

The second is a flat of strawberries that we picked on Saturday.  I was starting to prepare them for shortcake when I stopped, and said I must take a picture of these beautiful berries.  With six of us, it didn't take us very long to pick these, and we had delicious strawberry shortcake that night.  Yummy!

We also had a bonfire later Saturday night (with s'mores) and watched the fireworks.  The lake association put on a fine show out over the lake.  It was a lovely holiday and I feel like I shouldn't eat again for a week!

Instead of eating today, I will quilt!  So I will have something to show you next week.  I hope you have some pictures to show me.  Please link up with Design Wall Monday below.  I always enjoy hearing from you and looking at your beautiful work.  As usual, I ask that you provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post.  Thank you.


Kate said...

Sounds like a wonderful 4th of July. I'm with you, I may never eat again after all the great home cooking over the weekend. Those roses and the vase are gorgeous. Happy stitching this week.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

The roses, the strawberries, both divine! I need to get my act together to join your design wall Mondays (though I don't have anything close to a design wall in my little Tokyo apartment!)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love those strawberries - I used to grow some but never got large berries and eventually gave them up and just buy when I need - with just two of us and mainly I eating them I don't need a lot

Preeti said...

I believe that quilting is a celebration of color and your two pictures are definitely inspirations for colorful quilts :-) Even if you did not sew/quilt your photographs are just perfect for Design Wall Monday.

Cindy Quilts said...

Your roses are beautiful and the strawberries look yummy!

AnnieO said...

Pretty flowers and love the pitcher vase. Glad you had fun on your quilt free week. Strawberries are one of our county's biggest crops. They have just pulled up all the plastic from the fields and the replowing will be begin. We had earthquakes for the Fourth, and only heard the fireworks :)

Nann said...

Fresh strawberries--yummm! Is your rose pitcher by Roseville? Just right for the bouquet!

For the love of geese said...

There is nothing better in the world than vine ripened strawberries.

Julie said...

I have those same type of pink roses, love them! I have been picking a lot of strawberries and raspberries. Yum!

Quilter Kathy said...

Strawberry season is such a treat!

Judy Hansen said...

It is similar to Roseville. It is "Hull" pottery from the 1940's. Everything looks good in this vase!

Nancy said...

The roses are gorgeous -- and I'm sure they're fragrant, too. What a beautiful vase from your mom. It's great you still have it and use it. Lucky you to be able to pick strawberries into July. I think they have been done for a week or so here in Ohio. Thanks so much for hosting the link-up.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Beautiful roses - and YUMMMMM Strawberries!!!