Here we are at the end of August, can you believe it? I can't. This week has been quiet around here, with quilting and golfing being the main activities.
I am nearing the finish of the Churn Dasher doll quilt - just have to add the outside borders, on both sides, and top and bottom. It measures about 24 inches square right now:
It should be finished next week, and I will give measurements to make the block if anyone is interested. It sure is a cute block, and I wish I knew the name of the pattern. The original quilt is from the 1890s.
Also this week, I quilted and bound a doll quilt top that will be going into the same exhibit as the above quilt, next spring in Newport News, VA. This doll quilt finishes at 24 inches square.
The cabin is near the small town of Ludington, which is on Lake Michigan. Today, the town was all abuzz about a visitor in the harbour. A Yacht!! We went to see it, as did a lot of other people in town. Penny Lane was so excited to see all the children and other dogs in the park next to the harbour, she didn't care about the yacht. It was so much fun to see the town turn out to greet and wave to the visitors. The yacht was flying a British flag, but we don't know much about anything else. They were off to Chicago next, where the novelty of a yacht will not cause quite the stir as it did here. Here is a picture of the town visitor:

Thanks for showing your work on Design Wall Monday. I appreciate all of you so much. It gives this old girl pleasure each Monday to see what you are working on. Please provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post. Thanks! Next week will be September! Wow, is time flying by.
I am nearing the finish of the Churn Dasher doll quilt - just have to add the outside borders, on both sides, and top and bottom. It measures about 24 inches square right now:
It should be finished next week, and I will give measurements to make the block if anyone is interested. It sure is a cute block, and I wish I knew the name of the pattern. The original quilt is from the 1890s.
Also this week, I quilted and bound a doll quilt top that will be going into the same exhibit as the above quilt, next spring in Newport News, VA. This doll quilt finishes at 24 inches square.
The cabin is near the small town of Ludington, which is on Lake Michigan. Today, the town was all abuzz about a visitor in the harbour. A Yacht!! We went to see it, as did a lot of other people in town. Penny Lane was so excited to see all the children and other dogs in the park next to the harbour, she didn't care about the yacht. It was so much fun to see the town turn out to greet and wave to the visitors. The yacht was flying a British flag, but we don't know much about anything else. They were off to Chicago next, where the novelty of a yacht will not cause quite the stir as it did here. Here is a picture of the town visitor:

Thanks for showing your work on Design Wall Monday. I appreciate all of you so much. It gives this old girl pleasure each Monday to see what you are working on. Please provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post. Thanks! Next week will be September! Wow, is time flying by.
That's a lot of perfectly pieced HST blocks in your finished quilt... great job!
Your idea of a yacht is different from mine...... that is a BIG YACHT, VERY BIG YACHT...... will have to ask a 5 year old what that is called.....
Think even in Chicago that boat will cause a stir...
I will look out for your quilts at the show in Hampton next year.
wow! that is a great quilt - but I ma betting the pieces are so so small!
Fantastic mini to match the fantastic vessel.
Hi Judy, those are really cute tiny! And that yacht is awfully big. No wonder people were excited to see it :-)
The churn dash doll quilt is just beautiful. I love the rich color. And I would have turned out to see that yacht too! Can't even imagine what it would be like to have something like that.
Darling mini! I love churn dash blocks :)
I think the yacht in your picture is the same one that has been cruising the Great Lakes recently. I saw pictures of it when it was up at the Soo, and Mackinaw. It's supposedly a million or more in value. I live about 100 miles south of Ludington,so I was surprised to see you mention it in your post.
Wow what a big yacht! Your mini quilt is gorgeous
Hi Judy, My goodness but you are so good at stitching those tiny very precise pieces.
Your yacht story reminded me of in Newfoundland, a yacht arriving in an outport harbour was a very big deal with a lot of the community going down to the dock to look. Usually an offer of a meal or fresh bread would be made to the arrivals as well.
what fun. There used to be a yacht builder in Kalama (long since moved to China) but I got my red hatters a tour and it was so fun. there were about 30 of us and we did not fill it. Visited Laura Heine's shop in Billings today, ran out of green for my project, so enriched her coffers by two 1/3 yards :) Super friendly, and staff of four were all busy cutting kits and shipping, her patterns are so popular. hugs, s.
Your two little quilts are so charming!!
That yacht! Wow!!
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