
Monday, December 2, 2019

Design Wall Monday - December 2, 2019

December is here!  When I think of all the things I like to do during the Christmas season, it makes me so happy.  I only wish I had a personal assistant to help me with all the details, right?  I hope to have some Christmas decorations up to show you next week, but so far, I have done nothing to get ready for Christmas.

So this week I'm going to continue on with my progress on the baby quilt tops that are now becoming completed quilts.  This is another simple one using three fabrics:  All three fabrics are leftovers from other baby quilts, and my friend quilted it for me with lovely hearts and feathers.  I love it.  My goal is to get the binding on it and get it finished this week.

Here is a picture of the whole quilt (before binding):

It is so "girly".  The blocks are cut at 5 in. square and finish at 4.5 inches square.  And the binding is the same width, so the whole quilt is 36 inches by 40.5 inches.  I will probably used the pale pink backing for the binding, because there is enough of it, and it will be simple.

Here's a couple more pictures of it:

I am excited to get most of the baby quilt tops finished into quilts.  I have 10 for charity this Christmas season, and one for a relative, and a few to put binding on for future family babies.  Woot!  Woot!  

Very pale, feminine pink backing:

I wonder how many of you are participating in Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt this year?  I have in past years, but not this year.  I am concentrating on finishing the many quilts that are in my stash that are partially finished.  I am copying the weekly instructions, in case I decide later to make the quilt.  But the fun is in making it along with everyone else and wondering what the final quilt will look like.

Please link up with Design Wall Mondays, below, and show us what you are working on this week.  As usual, I please ask that you refer back to this particular blog post from somewhere within your blog post.  Thanks!


Kate said...

Very pretty! I should follow your lead and concentrate on finishing, but I gave into temptation and started Bonnie's mystery. At least I'm using all stash fabrics, so that balances it out a bit I guess.

Rebecca Grace said...

What a lovely baby quilt, Judy! Those vintage boys and girls are so sweet -- they remind me of George's family in the move It's a Wonderful Life, which is a nice tie-in to the season.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I saved the directions to the mystery and will decide later

chrisknits said...

This is my 2nd year to do a mystery and I am continuing the tradition for me of making less blocks. This time I am shooting for 1/3 the size of the finished mystery. Love the baby quilt! I need to start stock piling baby quilts for my daughters' friends and our family. It's that generation's time to start having little ones.

For the love of geese said...

The alphabet fabric is really cute. No for me on the Bonnie Hunter qal. Thank you for the linky party.

AnnieO said...

Very sweet little quilt! Love the quilting too. I have never actually made one of Bonnie's mystery quilts, though have downloaded instructions before. Lots of joiners to enjoy watching, tho!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Girly indeed and so very pretty. Perfect quilting too!

Lady Locust said...

That is adorable!

Susan said...

Beautiful feathers!