
Monday, December 9, 2019

Design Wall Monday - December 9, 2019

Blog Hop!

This Monday post will be a little different for me because I'm participating in a Blog Hop.  Lori of "Humble Quilts" (Here) is having a 12 day Christmas blog hop that will be featuring holiday quilts in all 12 bloggers homes - and how we decorate with our favorite quilty things.  The Hop starts today at Lori's blog and continues for 12 days.  So I hope you will hop along and get some good ideas for using your quilts in holiday decorating.  I know I am looking forward to it.

Participants for the 12 days are:

Dec  9  Lori, Humble Quilts
Dec 10 Katy, Katy Quilts
Dec 11 Beth, Love, Laugh, Quilt
Dec 12 Diane, Butterfly Threads Quilting
Dec 13 Kyle, Timeless Reflections
Dec 14 Kelly, Pinkadot Quilts
Dec 15 Juliann, Chasing Stories
Dec 16 Sue, Knitty Quilter
Dec 17 Lizzy, Gone To The Beach
Dec 18 Barb, Fun With Barb
Dec 19 Judy (ME!!) Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Dec 20 Kevin, Kevin the Quilter
This is the first blog hop that I've participated in, and I don't know some of the bloggers that are participating.  So I'm looking forward to meeting new bloggers and seeing what they are making (and using in their Christmas decorating).

Here's a start on my Christmas decorating.  Miss Penny Lane is on my front porch:  

She's waiting for me to stop taking a picture and take her for a walk.  This is as far as I've gotten with Christmas Christmas tree in the house Christmas cards in the mail, but I am not stressing out.  I'm enjoying family and friends and the reason for the season.   How are you doing with your holiday preparations?  Remember, Christmas always comes whether we are ready for it or not.

Please link up with our usual Design Wall Monday show and tell below.  As usual, I request that you link back to this particular blog post from your blog post.  Thanks so much.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have my Christmas quilt up on my wall as of yesterday - later than usual I normally put it up directly after Thanksgiving

Quilter Kathy said...

I'm excited about the blog hop! I know most of these blogs, so it will be fun!

Bonnie said...

Hum, decorating? What's that. I have all the wall quilt spots filled with Christmas quilts. Another Christmas quilt is on the guest room bed. Hubby did a bit with lights and greenery in the main room. But, no tree, no Santas, no cute little hanger with a Christmas theme. I need to get in gear to get those things done. (Well that and finish a half dozen special projects!)

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm checking out the blogs. Thanks for the links. Have you practiced your hand quilting lately?

For the love of geese said...

You are a step ahead of me, I've not set out anything Christmas related. Thank you for the linky party.

Preeti said...

A red cushion and a white dog = Christmas decoration fit for the entire year!!! In my opinion a quilt must make sense throughout the year. Some decorations and quilts are so Christmassy that they look outdated come January 1st. However your red cushion and white dog will be perfect all year around (think Valentines Day) :-)

Mary said...

My decor is minimal this year. Christmas Quilts on my bed, ourdoor Nativity and a few lights. More time to stitch for Christmas.

Kate said...

You've done more than I have on the decor end. I did at least wrap a few presents.