
Monday, August 3, 2020

Design Wall Monday - August 3, 2020

Good Morning Quilters!  I am using the new Blogger interface for the first time.  You can teach an old dog new tricks!!  

Our children/grandchildren left Wednesday to go home, and we have a few days to get ready for the next visitors.  We have had great weather and I am drying sheets outside on the line today.  Towels in the dryer, sheets on the line - that’s the story of our cabin between visitors.  

I am having fun putting together this quilt top of old madder prints.  There were 27 vintage fabric blocks, and I made 9 more blocks of repro fabrics to go with them.  When company left, I laid out the plan on the family room floor, 6 x 6 blocks:

I like it very much - so much so that I decided to make more of it.  I now want it to be 6 x 8, so that means I have cut out pieces for 12 more blocks, for 2 more rows.

Here is the first finished one of the additional 12 blocks:

I have three more days to get this top together (and off the floor), as more company is coming at the end of the week.  What are you working on?  Please link up and show us what you are sewing.   I ask that you provide a link back to this particular blog post from somewhere within your blog post.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Looks like you and Blogger got along just fine. Your quilt blocks look so nice, this is going to be a lovely quilt. I hang both sheets and towels on the line in the summer. I think the towels absorb the water better when they're crispy. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Oohh, love it! The strip you are using for the alternate block really adds to the look. Hope you get all your blocks made and your layout worked out before the next round of company shows up.

Carolyn said...

I love the look of the striped material that you used so much so that I will try making a quilt using the stripes as alternate blocks. Gorgeous quilt!
Thanks for sharing.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looks like you figured out Blogger - I can usually tell when someone is using the new blogger because the font is so large but you have the regular size - looks good!

For the love of geese said...

Looks great. How about the embroidery blocks, are you nearing a finish on them? Thank you for the linky party.

Nann said...

I'm still wrestling with the new Blogger. Your madder/brown quilt looks great.

Sara said...

Your quilt is looking fabulous! I can't tell which blocks are vintage and which are new.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

it is looking ah!! mazing!! these colors are the direction of the prints are just so eye pleasing!!

Judy in Michigan said...

Love this quilt!! Yes, make it bigger!!! Bravo!!

Bonnie said...

Congrats on learning the new trick! I am not fond of the way we have to add labels to a post. Could it get any clunkier than looking for each item? URG. I really like what you've done with your quilt. I am definitely NOT a brown person nor repro fabrics but this really looks good. BTW your little box of fabs should be there soon. Thanks for giving them a good home!

AnnieO said...

Love it! I always like rectangular quilts more than square ones, unless they are really big! It's a Tall Girl thing...

We had backyard breakfast with our daughter's family yesterday. So good to see grandsons again.

cityquilter grace said...

very stunning quilt...and thank you for inspiration..i have a ton of those fabrics and they have been waiting for a knockout pattern like this...

Susan said...

That really looks great! It's worth it to make it bigger.

Anonymous said...

Oh Blogger... I have a love hate relationship with it. LOL! There was an automatic switch last week and I went with it. I navigated it fine and thought all was good until my scheduled post was published with incomplete sentences and missing paragraphs and links. It would not accept my updates to fix the post so I reverted to the legacy again and reported the problem.

Your quilt looks great! Good luck in getting the top together. MelvaLovesScraps(at)NolanQualityCustoms(dot)com

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, good luck with getting the quilt together before company comes :-)
Enjoy your quilting days and then your time off with company. Take care.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Looking good - I love the reproduction fabrics in your blocks and quilt! Pretty!