
Monday, October 19, 2020

Design Wall Monday - October 19, 2020

 “The Third Weekend in October” is the name of one of my favorite quilts.  I blogged about making it (Here) 

If you would like to make this quilt, please check at the artist’s website for info.  (Here). The artist is Ruth Powers.  I think it is named so well, as this is the view out my bedroom window in Grand Rapids this week, in the third week of October.

I gave this quilt to my favorite grandson Hunter.  (please understand that all eight of my grandchildren are my favorites - each in their own way).  At Hunter’s home, his sweet old golden retriever, Charlie, liked this quilt so much that he ate a little part of it!  Three holes all the way through.   Charlie has recently passed on, but I like to think that a little of my quilt will always be comforting him.  
This past week I’ve been repairing the quilt.  The pictures below are of the process of fixing these holes in the middle of the quilt.  Charlie chewed all the holes in just one leaf......good boy!

I found some yellow fabric that closely matched the leaf. 

Pinned it down over the damaged part. 

Appliquéd it down.

Re-quilted the veins in the leaf. 

And, now the back of the quilt...Cut new batting and basted it into the holes where batting was missing.

Figured out what to do to cover the holes on the back (I had no more of the backing fabric). I decided to add a leaf.

Here is final picture of the back of the quilt.

It is going back to Hunter this next week, and I am happy with the results. 

What are you working on this third week in October?  Please link up and show us.  I ask that you mention Design Wall Monday and link to this post from somewhere within your post.  Thank you.


Ellen T. said...

That was a very creative repair! I'll borrow it if you don't mind.

Kate said...

An excellent repair job! You'd never know there was any damage at all to the quilt.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Great save, Judy!!!

Gretchen Weaver said...

That was a great patch job, no one will ever really notice. The trees have been very colorful here too, happy stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I bet once that quilt was washed and dried the patches blended in just fine!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

that is a truly beautiful quilt - and your repair job is amazing! Your favorite Grandson will be happy ;-) I love that they are all your favorite!

Kat Scribner said...

You did a great job in the repair. Seems like alot of work for a few little holes doesnt it? I have a sofa quilt that my sheltie likes to chew on.

Julie in GA said...

I have loved that "Third Weekend in October" pattern for many years. Your version is gorgeous, and the repair job looks great.

Cindy Quilts said...

Your repairs on the quilt look great! I'm sure your grandson will appreciate that it is fixed.

Quilter Kathy said...

Great job on the quilt repair! I have 2 quilts that my granddog has loved enough to sample and I appreciate seeing your creative ideas!

LA Paylor said...

Great tutorial on repair, it looks fabulous. Your attitude about the dog's eating it makes me happy too... kindness... the view thru the window is beautiful and would be calming to see every day

MissPat said...

Fantastic repair work. How lucky that Charlies only chewed one leaf.

Susan said...

Great job on repairing those holes. Charlie truly loved that quilt!

Unknown said...

Great repair job on a special treasure. It is ready for more love!

Sara said...

A beautiful and creative job mending the quilt. The leaf on the back will remind your grandson of Charlie every time he sees it.

Pam said...

Great repair work on a stunning quilt.
I didn't get a chance to comment on last weeks post, absolutely adore your basket quilt.

Quilting Gail said...

You did a fantastic job with mending the quilt!! And the leaf on the back is perfect! :-)

AnnieO said...

Great repair job! I have a grandson named Hunter, too.

Bonnie said...

Fabulous fall quilt. You've done an amazing job on repairing it. Thanks for showing how you did it.

Barb said...

lovely autumn quilt and great repair! very well done!

Christie said...

What a great repair job! I would be tempted to print on the back leaf: "In Memory of Charlie". I'm like you: I have 6 "favorite" grandchildren! All are special in their own way! Thanks for sharing! HUGS... and stitches

Celine said...

Perfect repair, well done. And the quilt is stunning and perfect for the season

Jennifer said...

Thanks for sharing how you repaired the quilt - I wouldn’t have known what to do! I love the leaf on the back, and what a perfect quilt for a Michigander!