
Monday, January 11, 2021

Design Wall Monday - January 11, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters.  My week has again been filled with non-quilty things, but I did get some more Drunkard’s Path blocks sewn together.  I think of 16 of the concave/convex two pieces sewn together as one “block”:

So last week I had four “blocks” and now there are six.....50% increase!  I don’t have a pattern, so I am sewing along until I feel it is big enough.  If I increased its size by 50% each week.....hmmmmmm....that would mean three “blocks” this week, and 4 and 1/2 “blocks” the next week.  lol In no time it would be completed.  

How about you - did you make some progress this last week?

We have enjoyed being at the cabin, away from everything and yesterday I looked out the window at two colorful ice houses (fishing shanties) on the frozen lake.   One is bright red and the other one bright blue. Soon there will be a village of these little shanties out there.  I wish there was such peace and tranquility as this everywhere in the world, but know that it is not so.  

Thanks so much for all of the beautiful linkups last Monday, and you did indeed cheer me up.  Let’s see what you link up with this Monday!  I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures and reading your blogs.  Please remember to provide a link to this post and also mention Design Wall Mondays to your readers.  Thanks!


Gretchen Weaver said...

The curves are a good project to calm your mind in these crazy days. Is progress being made on the embroidered baskets? Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Those Drunkard Path's blocks look to be time consuming to make, so finishing two would be a lot of stitching time. Enjoy the peace and quite.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

one year when we traveled to Minnesota and Wisconsin we saw storage areas for the ice fishing shanties they were very colorful - it would be nice to see a photo of them out on the ice. Amazing that most even have a little heater in them - I would think that would be too warm to have out on ice but I don't know how they are constructed.

Julie in GA said...

I love your Drunkard's Path blocks. I'm sewing curves too, but they look very different than yours.

Nann said...

Unit by unit, block by block -- and then you have a quilt! It will be fun to see how your DPs develop. Enjoy the quiet at the cabin.

Nann said...

[Judy, it looks as though a commercial website has posted to your link up this week....FYI.]

LES is More said...

I noticed that a fabric company has posted/linked to the party. Although I understand why they would like to get the exposure from your wonderful party, I'm not sure that is what you want. Please double check.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are really cool blocks - and I like the way you think... double each week! that would be a huge quilt in no time!

Marti said...

Your Drunkard's Path is looking great. How long does it take to make just one block?

I've heard of ice fishing houses, but other than tv, have never seen one. Is it as cold and miserable as it looks, or are they warm inside? It does sound pretty though. Down here in Texas, it's hard to believe ice can get that thick.

For the love of geese said...

Love the drunkards path blocks. Thank you for the linky party.

Judy Hansen said...

I just saw it and deleted the link. We are not advertising anything commercial here. Thanks for letting me know.

Judy Hansen said...

Thanks for the heads-up....I deleted their link. This is not what this blog is about.

Sara said...

The Drunkards Path is one of those patterns that seems so difficult, and ends up with such a striking design. Your is looking awesome so far.

AnnieO said...

So many possibilities with Drunkard's path blocks. The little curves always seem pretty playful. I have never been to a frozen lake or seen the shacks in person. Hope you're staying nice and toasty inside!

Bonnie said...

Nice to hear the ice shacks are bright and pretty. We've seen some in the UP that look like they will hardly stand up! Yea for progress on your big blocks. Yep, I'm making progress on my curved blocks too.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, the cabin sounds like pure bliss. We don't have any ice to speak of in most of Ontario - a very warm year so far. Enjoy making more blocks when you have time. Take care.

Celine said...

Your cabin sounds like a very peaceful place to be while the world unravel... take care