
Monday, January 25, 2021

Design Wall Monday - January 25, 2021

Sometimes I feel I can’t handle everything right now.  That life has handed me more than I can cope with.  When I start feeling like this, I step back and think about the bigger picture of life.  I think about all the wonderful things that are happening in life.  For example, a dear friend of mine sent this picture of new grandbabies:

Their shirts say    “OMG....yes we are triplets!!!   I am so happy for my friend Pam, and her daughter!  And as I was smiling about this miracle the other day, God reminded me that this miracle of three healthy beautiful babies were given to just the right Momma and Grandmother and their families.

God has given me just the right things to deal with right now, and I laughed when I thought of how frazzled I’d be with triplets to take care of.  I am coping just fine, God.  I see the big picture and feel so blessed with my life right now.  

We are still at the cabin up north, and I am sitting with my sister, Nancy, at the hospital while she receives dialysis every M W F.  I am interviewing care companies to hire a caregiver  to sit with her.  Nancy doesn’t understand that she can’t get up and walk around, and needs someone to gently tell her it isn’t time to leave yet.  I am getting a lot of embroidery done while I sit with her, but must get back to Grand Rapids at some point.  Hubby and I have obligations there and I miss my quilt room.

Also through complicated circumstances, we have acquired a nephew’s dog.  Here is a photo of Mojo:

He has had two major surgeries in January, but came through both like a trooper. I want to keep him as our dog, as he is such a good boy, and deserves us, but hubby is still undecided.  Two dogs are more than one dog........but not like three babies are more than one baby!  I think I’ll use that thought with hubby......would you like another dog, or triplets to care for.

Penny Lane has been super understanding and gentle with the recovering patient.  When I give Mojo medicine in a chunk of peanut butter, Penny gets a chunk of peanut butter also (with no pill in hers).  So Penny Lane says it’s all good.

So, all the above is to tell you I haven’t any quilting progress pictures to show you.  I hope you will have some to show me, and I promise to have some Drunkard’s Path progress for you next Monday.  Please link up below and also talk about Design Wall Mondays in your blog.  Also please include a link back to this post.  Thank you.


Kate said...

Hopefully you'll be able to get back to the sewing room as the weather warms up his spring. Mojo looks like a good boy. Hopefully you can convince Your Guy that he's a good friend for Penny Lane. Sometimes two is less work than one as they can play with each other.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Sitting with your sister is a big priority. I hope you can find someone with compassion to sit with her to give you a break. Triplets!, makes me exhausted to even think about it.

Marti said...

I am so sorry your sister is going through this right now and know how tiring it is for you too. Bless you for being there for her. It sounds like Mojo is already part of the family too. I hope you are back home and quilting soon.

Bonnie said...

It's always good to review what we are going through with what others might be going through. Most of the time we are having it easy. I hope you are able to find a caring person to assist your sister. Two dogs are better than one. When we took our daughter's dog our dog liked the extra company. So, maybe telling hubby Mojo is a companion dog for Penny Lane. (Maybe he'll buy that!) I hope your week is good and you get a little stitching time in.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Hoping you will have your quilting time back soon. Family and their obligations are important, but I do hope you get some time for yourself this week too!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope you can find someone to help your sister - it is hard when one doesn't live near by and has to travel to help. Love the triplets photo I too would be exhausted especially at the early age of feeding and diaper changes!

Quilter Kathy said...

Take good care of yourself too! Stitching is essential :)

Sara said...

Hang in there! Being a care giver is so exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Let there be lots of doggie love to give you comfort until you can return to your sewing room.

And I can only imagine how crazy life would be with triplets. My daughter had twins (with a 20 month old at home) and that was crazy enough when they were infants and toddlers.

LA Paylor said...

awe... good girl penny lane! Milo says anytime you get peanut butter is good!
Two sides of the coin... dogs like other dogs for company, and two dogs are more work. Of course, love increases to cover all that are needed... big decision. Will the household be better for bringing in a permanent new member?

AnnieO said...

Triplets, omigosh! Our nephew and his wife had twin girls late in December. I have yet to meet them due to COVID restrictions, but am looking forward to it.
Hope your mood improves and there is stitching time aplenty.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Nice to have 2 dogs right now! This one has a cute face, and looks very kind. Take care.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I'd gladly take 2 dogs AND triplets right now!!! Those triplets on a quilt are absolutely adorable!!!! Best wishes finding a caregiver for your sister. You're doing an important job right now.

Pam said...


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It sounds like you have a big heart, Judy and many people are fortunate to have you and your strength during challenging times. I hope you are able to get in some quilting time this week; I am sure that would bring great comfort to you. And best wishes in finding a caregiver. Thank you so much for hosting the link and helping quilters connect. Happy quilting.

Shelina said...

Wow you do have a lot going on. Please take care and don't worry, the quilting will wait.

dq said...

I enjoyed your heartfelt gratitude post today!

Celine said...

Beautiful babies

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh How I love your attitude - when life gets tough - think of the blessings! Sending you hugs and prayers. You are a good soul!!