
Monday, February 8, 2021

Design Wall Monday - February 8, 2021

 This post will be about several topics, as that is the way this week has gone:

(1) I have drawn one of your names for the extra book giveaway of "A Bouquet of Quilts" which is a book of quilts from the Japanese quilting magazine, "Quilts Japan".  The quilt I made from this book is below, "Buds in a Basket":

The name I drew is Andree G. Faubert and she is one of our faithful linkups.  Her blog is Quilting and Learning Combo and she always has something she has learned to report to us.  Congratulations Andree!  Please send me your snail mail address and I will send this quilt book to you.

(2) I have continued on the Drunkard's Path.....haha.....I mean I have continued to work on my Drunkard's Path blocks.  I decided to slow this project down and do a few blocks each week, as I am at the boring part of making the same small part of the block 16 times.....all in brown and cream.  I made 32 this week, enough for two blocks.

(3) The May Day Baskets quilt is nearing the end.  I accessed what blocks need to be made, and I am happy to report that there are only a few more.  There are six rows in the layout I am using, and I have all the blocks finished in three of the rows, and only a few is rows 4 and 5.  All of the sixth row needs to be embroidered.  Here is the original layout:

I like almost nothing from this picture (border is not happening....alternate blocks will be something is not happening....)  But other than those things...I like it. haha  Let me know what you think would look good with these embroidered basket blocks.  Thanks!  Here is the next basket block I have just started.  As usual, the main flowers in this block are French knots.

(4)  Happy Valentines Day!  Two of my favorite quilts are out on display this month.  The toile one is usually on the back of the couch, and is a simple made-up pattern (a four patch makes the red heart):

and the red and white postage stamp one is usually on the railing by the front door.  I used a cross-stitch pattern (with permission) for most of the hearts.  Here it is on the design wall when I had just finished the quilt top:

I love Valentines Day!  As I have written here sometime before, I have saved most of the Valentines cards from my husband over the 57 years of our marriage, and I re-read them and put them out on the bookshelves in the living room.  I tell him to choose one to "re-gift" to me because cards are so outrageously expensive now.  I have saved the ones I gave him, so I re-gift one to him too.  We are blessed to be in love and having fun together during all these years.

Well, I guess that's it.  What has been happening on your design wall, or what have you been sewing, planning, or completing this week?  Please link up below and let us know.  Your blogs are all so interesting, and it makes my week to read and see what you are working on.  Please talk about Design Wall Monday in your blog, and also link back here from somewhere within your post.  Thanks!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Both of your Valentine quilts are lovely but the postage stamp one is the most special. I remember you working on this at retreat. I made an embroidered basket quilt several years ago and used a variety of 30's fabrics. Whatever and however you finish the baskets, I know they'll be lovely. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Congrats to Andree for winning the book. Breaking up the making of all those drunkard path blocks sounds like a good idea, especially if you have other projects you want to work on. Have you decided if you want the May Day Baskets project to stay true to the original era or if you want it more modern? Pastel solids such as yellow, blue, pink or lavender were common colors for setting embroidered blocks in the 1930s. That is where I often stall out with my blocks, figuring out to set them. Your Hearts Postage Stamp quilt is one of my favorites. It's fun to see it again.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Your Be My Valentine quilt is so cute!!! Nice that you saved all those Valentines through the years!!! We regift cards here, too.

Nann said...

So many nice things at your house this week, Judy -- I agree, the original May Day baskets pattern is fussy and dated. (Interesting that some retro designs appeal but others don't.) The red-and-white quilts are wonderful. But my favorite is the buds-in-a-basket.

Rebecca Grace said...

I love your Valentine's Day quilts, Judy! Especially your 4-patch hearts. How romantic, to save and reread and regift those cards. Seems to me that you are living in one of those romantic movies that give men impossible standards to live up to! :-). Also I'm delighted that Andree won your giveaway. Happy Valentine's Day!

Quilter Kathy said...

So fun to read about your love story! it's very rare and I'm so happy for you to have experienced a life long love :) The love quilts are gorgeous!

Sara said...

I just loved hearing your love story - regifting special cards and still being in love. Wonderful.

Your Valentine quilts are so beautiful, and the baskets of flowers will be too. I can picture a soft yellow with those blocks.

Katy Sweigart said...

I love your valentine quilts! I also love your sweet story of regifting cards. 😊

swooze said...

Awww. 57 years. How wonderful!

Lyndsey said...

I love both your valentine quilts, but especially the second one. I also like your idea of regifting cards. I have all my birthday and valentine cards from my husband and read them regularly as the comments are so loving and romantic.

Susan said...

I love how you and hubby continue to share your Valentine love. And with beautiful quilts too!

AnnieO said...

Sweet basket quilt and pretty basket embroidery! I have one small valentines wall hanging made years ago. Hubby and I do not celebrate Valentine's Day with any fanfare, as our wedding anniversary is this month so we save our dinner out for that. Hubby always gets me a mushy card. I have saved many of them :)
I think a nice dark pink solid would look wonderful with your embroidered blocks, not a bright pink, but more that 30's dark pastel. Does that make any sense?

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I love the basket quilt - I purchased the book when you first posted about it. It is on the list when I finish catching up from 2019-2020 UFOs.

Your Red and White quilts are pretty!

Have a wonderful week stitching!

Celine said...

Your work is so beautiful, love the stitching you are working on now.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I love that you and your husband are still celebrating valentine's day. Finding the love of your life, and keeping your love alive is not an easy thing to do. I love your Valentine's quilts. I must say that I was shocked to see my name there as the winner of the raffle. I will send you an email. Good luck with the finishing of your embroidered quilt. I guess that it is the time to start thinking about how to finish it. Take care.

Jacqueline said...

I am looking forward to seeing your basket quilt finish. Beautiful post.