
Monday, February 22, 2021

Design Wall Monday - February 25, 2021

Update:  Oops, I put the 25th in the title when I wrote this late last night.  It is the 22nd, but I’ll leave the title alone as some have already linked to it.   Maybe I am in a hurry to get to spring.

Good Morning Quilters!

I felt like I made progress this week.  Here is another finished May Day Basket block:

I have another one ready to start, and shall work on it this afternoon.  I also made more Drunkards Path squares, enough for another block, and worked on sewing together some of the rows of the brown and white Wedding Ring quilt that was on the design wall.  No picture of the design wall as it looks as brown and white as it did last week.  lol 

The UFOs got restudied again, and I put some of them in the sewing room closet.  So now all the batting, backings, projects, etc. have been looked at, sorted, organized, and have a home.  They are either in the shelving in the basement, or in the sewing room closet.  I was surprised at how many small quilts I have that just need quilting and binding.  I may have a small quilt/doll quilt week soon, and get them finished.

One of the projects I started to put away called me to work on it.  It's a log cabin quilt.  Now, I live in a log cabin all would think that I would have made a log cabin quilt!  But I have not.  What I had was a large box of scrap strips and some notes and two blocks made.  So this past week, I've had fun putting more blocks together.  I now have eight blocks, and here is a picture.  It looks like I was sewing dark strips where light ones should be on the center block, but it's all good.  I think about anything goes in a scrappy log cabin quilt.

So the log cabin project got sorted into two smaller bins of darks and one bin of lights.  For the present time, all three small bins are under the ironing board, right near my machine to remind me to make a block or two whenever they call me.  And making these blocks helps break up the brown and white sewing I've been doing lately.

March is coming soon, and then April.....and you know what happens in April? Spring!!!  March is usually a good quilting month for me, so I am enthused again to get more things finished.  How about you?

Please show us what is on your design wall (or design floor...or whatever) and tell us what you are making.  As usual, I ask please that you talk about Design Wall Mondays in your post and also provide a link back to my blog from somewhere within your post.  Thanks!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Another lovely basket, they're all so pretty! I enjoy making log cabin blocks and they can be put together so many different ways, happy stitching!

Kate said...

That's a lot of stitching in that embroidery block. You've been moving along on those. I laughed when you talked about the brown and white quilt still being brown and white even if you had progress. I feel the same way about Grassy Creek, I've got it mostly assembled, but it looks mostly the same at this point. One more week left in February, hopefully we can both make some good progress before March blows in. Happy stitching

Bonnie said...

I'm chuckling at you Judy. Take a look at your title and then at the computer generated date. I think you are trying to rush to spring although I can't say I blame you as we await another snow event which I'm hoping skips us altogether. Great job moving all your projects forward. Your log cabin blocks are talking to me. I unearthed one half log cabin block and slapped it on the design wall. I pulled out the directions. And I'm now in thinking mode. Is it time to make more or do I use some strips from an impossibly small pineapple quilt and make some. I have successfully ignored the log cabin call for the time being and continue to work to complete some other projects. But I bet I have some more half log cabins soon. Time will tell.... Keep up the good work. BTW I don't think you should change the date in your title as I think anyone who has already linked up will have to change the link. Hope you get a lot done this week.

Marti said...

I like this basket too. You are making good progress; it seems like you have one done every week. I love love love the colors in your log cabin quilt!

I've changed my blog titles many times without it changing the url, so change it if you want.

chrisknits said...

Love your Log Cabins, I made some myself this weekend! Now I need to haul out my 1.5" strips and print up more Drawing paper foundation pieces.

Sara said...

Log cabin quilts are one of my favorites. Your blocks look great. Good for you in sorting and organizing your UFOs. Some days I feel like I'll never get mine under control.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh that basket is so pretty, Judy and so are the log cabin blocks. Having your scraps nearby to remind you to sew a few blocks is a wonderful idea. I definitely need a system on making better use of mine. Have a wonderful and blessed week.

Celine said...

Log Cabin is my whole time favorite, such a beautiful and versatile block.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, although I don't live in a log cabin (I wish), I've only done improv log cabin blocks, which I love. Eventually I do want to make a light and dark log cabin quilt - they are so gorgeous and look so much more complicated than they are. Your blocks look great!
Thank you so much for the "A Bouquet of Quilts" book. I got it yesterday. It really is beautiful. There are some really interesting things in each quilt that make them quite unique. I'll have to make one, once I retire....can't wait :-) Thanks again and take care.

QuiltGranma said...

Log Cabin blocks: I began mine perhaps 12 years ago. I decided to make it with 1 1/2" strips, one strip from each of my 1800's reprints. As the years have past, and I continue to not sew on the blocks I still cut one strip from each of my new fabrics that fit that criteria for that quilt. Some medium tones I have had to decide which way they should go, and since there are never enough light colors they get thrown to the light side. There are ALWAYS lots of dark or darker tones so That is my rule. Or to follow what Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville says, if it is lighter than a brown paper bag, then it is a light. (words to that effect). One of these days I will get that bin out (it is nearly bursting) and make some more. I am sure I have enough strips to make a couple of quilts, so the second one will have a 2 1/2" center! Have fun!

Rebecca Grace said...

Your log cabin blocks are looking great, Judy! What size blocks are you making, and what size are your strips? I like how your blocks have more authentic antique quilt proportions than some of the others I've seen that have really wide strips.

dq said...

Scrappy Log Cabins are THE BEST!