
Monday, March 1, 2021

Design Wall Monday - March 1, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters! 

March 1st, a new month, and I have been working on the two quilts on my design wall.  Plus other projects as well.  I think March will be a good month of progress on the UFOs.  Here is the design wall: 

Still lots of brown and white, but the Wedding Ring quilt has all the edge triangles now cut, and the rows are getting assembled.  I can see the finish line, which will spur me on.

The Drunkard's Path is moving along nicely too.  I sew a few concave/convex pieces each day:

And when I have enough; sew them into a larger block:

All the convex and concave block pieces are cut and stored in baggies, each holding enough pieces to make the block above.  I think there are about 15 baggies yet to put together.  I am getting better at the curves, that is for sure.  It is slow....take 3-4 stitches with needle down when I stop.....then adjust the fabric, take 3-4 more stitches....repeat.  I think it was named by the person who drank a whole lot while she was sewing this quilt pattern.  

The log cabin quilt has one more block, and I am loving working on it.  (The shiny new project).   Here are the blocks now:

What are you working on?  I am so happy to look through all the pictures and go to your blogs and read about your quilts.  You are such a talented bunch.  Thank you for participating.  Please provide a link back to this blog post somewhere within your post, and also tell your readers about Design Wall Monday.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your log cabin is looking great. I like log cabins blocks, you can use a variety of fabrics and they seem to always look good, happy stitching!

Kate said...

Those Drunkard's Path blocks sound very time consuming, so you've made really good progress on those. It always feels nice when you get the point of quilt assembly. I always feel like I'm close to the finish at that point. But it always takes so much longer to get the borders on then I think it should take. Happy stitching this week.

Sara said...

All of your current projects are very intricate, so it feels OK to take a longer time to complete. Each one is sure going to be beautiful.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have a Drunkards Path planned for sometime this year I wonder when I will get to it. love that log cabin also

Rebecca Grace said...

Every time I see your Drunkard's Path, it makes me want to start a NewFO... Temptation! :-)

Bonnie said...

You are definitely making progress on the browns! Every time I see your drunkard's path I think about the block and wonder what and when I'll use my Go Die and begin a quilt. So far I've held off trying to finish UFOs and do quilts that I've got all the fabric set aside waiting it's turn. And, yep, I'm still holding off on the half log cabin I've been thinking about. I hope you get a lot done on your projects this week. Quilt On!

Susan said...

Love how the log cabin blocks are turning out. They look really good in brown!

Turid said...

Log cabin is always a winner. Beautiful.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilts are looking awesome and love seeing the Drunkards Path coming together. Thank you for hosting the link party and have a great week

AnnieO said...

I like having several projects going on all the time--when I tire of one, there is always something else waiting in the wings for its next step to be worked on! Enjoy your stitching time, on whichever strikes your fancy :)

Celine said...

I love your log cabin, it is looking good!

QuiltGranma said...

Loving your Diamond Ring quilt, and the Log cabin. Sorry, I was never in love with drunkards path, but glad YOU are working on it!