
Monday, March 22, 2021

Design Wall Monday - March 22, 2021

 Thanks for all the well wishes and your prayers.  I am feeling much better and am back at getting the two brown and white quilts finished.  They are off the design wall and one is ready to go to the long arm quilter.  Here are two pictures of each side of it hanging over the stairs railing.  I am needing a place to hang up a quilt top for a picture.  There is a new project on the design wall, so I can’t use that for a picture.

I am looking forward to seeing feathered wreaths quilted in the white squares, or something equally pretty that the long arm quilter suggests.

I am also making good progress on the Drunkards Path curved stitching.  I have gone back to the “use 1,000 pins” method as it is fairly mindless to sew them this way.   I am hoping they will all be finished by the end of March. I really do like the pattern when it is together......but sewing convex pieces to concave pieces.....not so much.  

The design wall has a new UFO on it!  I am wondering why I quit working on this quilt when I had about half of it done.   I don’t remember.  But whatever the reason was, it’s on the design wall now and I can see that I have only 14 LeMoyne star blocks yet to sew.  And some of the edge 1/2 stars.  I will be working on this one on Monday nights when my friend Joan comes over.  She is also working on a LeMoyne star quilt.  

I talked about it in early February,  (Here) and am eager to get started again on it.  

What’s going on this week in your sewing room?  Please link up so we can see.  Remember to provide a link back to this blog post from somewhere within your post.  Thanks!


Kate said...

Congrats on the finished quilt top. So glad to hear that you've recovered and are back to playing in the sewing room. I really like your next UFO. When I pull out a UFO, I always try to remember why it got put away. Usually it's for one of two reasons. I couldn't decided on a setting for a finished set of blocks, or I had quilts with deadlines that meant I needed to focus on other projects.

Bonnie said...

Lovely finish. I can definitely see some beautiful feathered wreaths in those blank spaces. Good for you for pulling out a UFO and getting started back on it. Happy you are feeling so much better but are the dogs all bent out of shape? They miss hanging out with you I'm sure. Have a great and productive week.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh the finished one is just so beautiful!! and the quilting will just add to it! LOVE your one up on the design wall. Isn't that funny that sometimes we just stop on a project?

Sara said...

Your finished quilt top is gorgeous! Great job! And the new UFO on your design wall will really be stunning.

AnnieO said...

Yay for finished quilt tops! And for feeling better. Yes, it can be a mystery when nearly finished projects push their way back up to the top. How pretty it is. Glad you're feeling better today, enough to face taking out all those pins as you piece the DP blocks, lol!

Quilter Kathy said...

That is a lovely UFO you found to continue working on! I love to find those kinds of surprises in the UFO closet!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, your quilt top is lovely and would look amazing with feathers! It's funny how some quilts get pieced and finished and others get abandoned, or set aside. Sometimes it's obvious why and other times not. Your UFO will be lovely. Have fun and take care.

Carol Andrews said...

Nice finish. Looking forward to seeing it quilted. Your UFO won’t take you long to finish. Both of them are pretty. I really like your fabrics.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

OH I love both of these gems! And, I was finally able to link up with you this week. So happy to hear you are feeling better. Enjoy the day.

Deb said...

I do love to " rediscover" projects ! Good luck finishing it , can't wait to see it complete!

Barb said...

Great finished Top! Thanks for the linky party I'm off to visit some new blogs.

QuiltGranma said...

I got a new hip joint March 22, then fainted at home on the 27th and broke my radius next to my wrist, so will not be sewing for a while! But i will be enjoying all the quilt blogs that have piled up in my absence!