
Monday, December 27, 2021

Design Wall Monday - December 27, 2021

Good Morning Quilters!  This is the last Monday in the year.  I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress on UFOs this year, but haven’t tallied up the finished quilts to see for sure.   I think I’ll just look at the UFOs that are left and keep on keeping on.

My latest adventure in paring down and sorting through my quilt hobby collections is:  Quilt Magazines!  I love to look through old quilt magazines, and read the articles, look at the old advertisements, fantasize about making a quilt or two from the issue.   However, I have way too many magazines.

The magazines are now separated from the books and sorted into piles by publisher, year and month of issue, etc.  I am amazed at how many I have.  I am pausing to look at the piles and think about how I want to pare them down.  Right now, I’m thinking of just keeping the very old magazines (1980s)) of which I have several publications that are no longer in business and also keeping just one publisher of the newer magazines.  I am thinking of keeping Better Home & Gardens publications (American Patchwork and Quilting).  I will let you know how the culling project goes. 

My only piecing this week has been to make a small quilt to match my recently finished Wedding Ring quilt.  The small quilt (just a top right now) will finish at 14 inches square.  I am sleeping under the bed sized Wedding Ring quilt, and had the thought the other night that I had not made a small version.  So yesterday, I made one.   Here it is:

I don’t think I showed you the finished bed sized quilt when completed.  I will do that next week, I promise.  I am looking forward to starting a new year, and looking at my hobby with fresh enthusiasm.  How do you feel about starting a new year?

Thanks for all of your great posts that you have linked with Design Wall Mondays during 2021.  Mondays are special as we get to visit so many quilters and see what they are making.  Please link back to this blog post from somewhere within your post, and mention Design Wall Monday in your post.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

I sorted through my magazines last summer and donated the extras to the Mennonite Relief Sale. our newest mini is very cute, happy stitching, happy New Year!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think I got rid of all my old quilt books and magazines years ago - I don't even buy quilt magazines anymore and at times I wonder why I buy quilt books I look through them once and they get put on a shelf and I rarely pop them out again! a total waste of money - I need to tell myself to stop that!!

Bonnie said...

I like magazines too. Although I quit subscribing several years ago. But we’ve moved too many of them around too many times. I’ve started culling but then I get irritated that I don’t have one to look at. Sigh.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is a great block!! So pretty
good luck on your magazines....

Nann said...

I love quilt magazines! I have American Patchwork & Quilting back to issue #1 and Quilter's Newsletter back to the double digits. I'm keeping all of those. The others I cull periodically (pun intended). I'm very disappointed by the editorial trend of the under-one-umbrella that publishes Quiltmaker, Fons & Porter, and McCall's. The editing is sloppy and the content is uneven.

Another keep-them-all is Quiltfolk which is more like a book in serial format than a magazine. And I discovered Quiltmania and its fellow publications Quilt Moderne and Quilt Vintage, though I dropped Vintage.

Cindy Quilts said...

I have culled a lot of my magazines as well. My quilt group meets at a local library that has subscriptions to several quilt magazines. I decided I could look at them there and read any articles I find interesting. If I find I need a copy of something I can get that done for a very small fee.
Your block is nice. Happy quilting!

Sara said...

I sorted through my collection of quilting books last winter. Took some to guild to give away, and donated the rest to the library. It felt so good to whittle the books down to a reasonable number. The magazine stack has grown again unfortunately. But looking through them and dreaming definitely brings us joy.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is a lot of fun to look at old quilt magazines and get inspired. I enjoy the older magazines as well. your small wedding quilt is so pretty. Looking forward to being inspired by all of you 2022 projects. Thank you so much for hosting the link party and for all of the joy that you have brought myself and so many through your lovely blog this year. I can not tell you how many times I visit and look back at older posts. Happy quilting.

Helen said...

My mom had a collection of quilt magazines, so I used to look at hers when I was home. Garden magazines especially the ones for my 'area' have collected/piled up. I was thinking the other day that I should just 'dump' them as I don't look at them so they are just taking up space.