
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Design Wall Monday - December 6, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters!

The project I am starting on today is making some pie potholders.  I have this pie novelty fabric that I cut up into separate pies:  

And I also have these quilted circles that were cut from the edges of a bedspread that I repurposed as a round table cover.  I am going to try to use both of these UFOs and make some pads for use at the dining table.  They will be something to put under a hot dish.....or under a pie.  If they get finished, I will show you a picture next Monday.

Here are the quilted circles:

We are privileged to have a special guest all this week.  Our daughter is here from Texas to spend some time with us ahead of Christmas!  She is going to help us decorate the Christmas tree and put up some lights outside.  It is so much fun to have her here.  She really enjoyed getting a real Christmas tree yesterday because big flakes of snow were coming down while she was helping her Dad tie the tree on top of the car.  Her hair was covered with snow.  She doesn't get to experience snowfalls very often in Texas.  It has all melted away now, but she looked so cute with big flakes of snow in her hair.

What are you working on this week?  I am looking forward to seeing what you link up with below.  Please join the Design Wall Linky Party today and then we can go to your blog and read all about your projects.  Thank you to those of you who provide a link back to this blog post from somewhere within your blog post.  And also thank you to all who mention Design Wall Mondays and encourage people to come and visit.  You are my kind of people.  

Hugs, Judy


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

These are the cutest pie potholders in progress, Judy and great use of the bedspread. How clever. Happy quilting and thank you for hosting the link party.

Gretchen Weaver said...

The potholders are going to be really cute!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I thought those were real pies, at first glance. Very cute pot holders. So wonderful to have your daughter with you. Special times.

Sara said...

Those pie pieces are so real looking! Enjoy the visit with your daughter!

Nann said...

Great way to serve pie (and to use the novelty fabric).

LA Paylor said...

what fun to have your daughter home for decorating time!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Pie potholders, what a wonderful idea!! I can almost taste em!

Carol Andrews said...

Sweet potholders, lovely pies and I’m imagining your daughter with big, fluffy snow flakes decorating her hair! Enjoy your visit Judy.