
Monday, March 14, 2022

Design Wall Monday - March 14, 2022

Good Morning Quilters!  Did you miss an hour of sleep last night?  They say that Daylight Savings Time has the purpose of making better use of daylight.  There are lots of opinions for and against it, but as a quilter, it doesn’t bother my life.  

The big squares quilt is now 2/3’s down from the design wall, and it will be a complete quilt top by next Monday.   I have 5 more columns to sew onto this bigger section.  I put it on the couch for this picture so you can see Penny Lane also.  She is supervising my progress.  NOT!  She is sleeping on the job!

I put the plaid blocks on the design wall along with the “orphan blocks” that I found, and I am not sure if I like the mixture.  I will make more blocks and decide later.   I would add one row of the plaid and white squares to the outer edge of the added blocks to make them fit in size with the blocks with the outer plaid/white squares.

I plan on making more blocks of the original plan, as they are all cut and divided into baggies, one block in each baggie.  I also thought if I don’t use the “orphan blocks”  on the front, I could put a row of them on the back.  I usually don’t do anything for the back side of a quilt, do you?

Foremost in my mind this week is the empathy I feel for the people of Ukraine, and am unable to think of some way I can help them.   It is a feeling of helplessness.  I will donate to Samaritan’s Purse as I know that organization will be helping.   I am daily praying for all the people who have left their homeland and are now refugees, and for those who are staying behind to fight.  It is hard to carry on life as normal here when the tragedy of war is happening there.  Have you found a way to be of help?

I so appreciate your faithfulness in participating in the Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  Your pictures and stories on your blogs give me happiness.  Thank you.  


Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I like your blocks, they look really pretty and match very well... and your helper is just adorable! It is heartbreaking to see what the people of Ukraine are going through...not much we can do but donate and pray xx

Gretchen Weaver said...

I think the orphan blocks look just fine but utilizing them on the way works also. Other than making financial donations, I don't know how to help now either. Some people have suggested make purchases on Etsy from Ukrainians but I don't normally buy online. For now I just pray. See you in a month or so!

maggie fellow said...

I like the mix of blocks in your quilt - I donated to quilted twins - one of them lives in Poland and has direct access -

Kate said...

Both of your plaid quilts are coming along beautifully. I like the idea of adding your orphan blocks to the back of your quilt.

Churn Dash said...

I really love the plaid blocks with the checker boards, they make the quilt sparkle.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I worry too of the war in Ukraine and fear that possibility that it will spread to other countries - my sister has extended family living in Poland about 100 miles from the border - I hadn't decided how to help yet but when I do I imagine it will go directly to that family- I will check out the charity name you mention as well as whatever I do I want to make sure it actually helps someone

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Judy, how organized you are to collate your block pieces in bags but how handy that would be! Beautiful blocks on your wall and look at Penny Lane sleeping...dogs and kids sleep so cute.

Quilter Kathy said...

I do like your plaid sampler quilt!
And also love to see Miss Penny Lane!

Nann said...

I like the mixture! Our guild speaker this month was Joan Cain talking about orphan block quilts. She pointed out that essentially they're samplers. She had good ideas for the design process....I had no problem with the time change from Saturday into Sunday, but last night was rough for me. I will adjust!

Susan said...

Great looking blocks on the design wall!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love that big blocks quilt!! And Penny Lane... its she is that comfortable with it... you know its good right? ;-)

Kris said...

I love how dynamic those blocks with the checkerboard around the outside are so dynamic!