
Monday, March 28, 2022

Design Wall Monday - March 28, 2022

 Good Morning Quilters!

All of the 16 plaid blocks are now complete blocks and I am moving on to making a  quilt top of them.  I have decided to sash them with a solid red, and last night I put them on the floor just before going to bed to see how they would look.  I like it.  

I will put something different in the cornerstone spots.  (these hst blocks are too little, and I put them there temporarily to cover the hole where there are no cornerstones yet).

Remember the orphan plaid blocks that I thought might be a part of this top?

What will happen to them
?  The orphan blocks will go on the back of the plaid quilt of large squares that I finished last week.  They will be in a straight line down the middle of the back.  I think that will be a good place for them. I am going to sew them into a long strip this week.

My daughter’s birthday is today…..and my baby girl is 51 years old.  She is a wonderful wife and mother and we are very proud of her.   We are blessed to have cared for her when she was young, and doubly blessed to love her as an adult.  

What are your finishes or starts this week?  Some of you tell me that you have plaids in your stash too.  If you are making something with them, please let me know.  I am looking forward to your blog posts and shared pictures on the Design Wall Mondays Linky Party.  Thanks for participating.  


Kate said...

The red sashing really works with those plaids, it makes all of them just pop. Happy birthday to your girl. They do grow up fast don't they?

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

The red is beautiful with these plaids. Happy Birthday to your daughter. My oldest will be 48 in September. Seems like just yesterday we were new mothers, doesn't it.

Vicki in MN said...

Happy birthday to your daughter. I have loved your journey with the plaids, that red makes them really pop!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I LOVE that!!! The Red is just perfect!!!!
and those blocks - YUMMY!!

maggie fellow said...

oh I do like the red with the plaids

Sara said...

That red sashing is fabulous with the plaid blocks! Great choice. I think a HST actually makes a good cornerstone, maybe with a plaid and red. But I'm sure whatever you choose with look wonderful with this.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Love the red sashing, perfect! Happy stitching!

Anonymous said...

What a beauty! The red sashing is perfect.

Rebecca Grace said...

Ooh, I just love your solid red sashing with the plaid blocks! It just sizzles!

Susie Q said...

I was mentally moving the cornerstones so that each corner of a block had the light or darks highlighting it...... the red sashing is superb

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, that is a great quilt with the red sashing. I love surprises on the back of a quilt and think that a row of orphan blocks will give them a good home. Happy birthday to your daughter - children are so precious, no matter what age they are. Have a good week.

JOY @ said...

I really like the red sashing. It makes all the red in the quilt really pop. The quilt is much warmer now. A great idea for your orphans as well.

AnnieO said...

Love the plaid blocks and your plans for the quilt. I don't have a lot of plaids in my stash but do like them a lot as a geometric in scrappy quilts. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Our youngest is 32--we're hoping she gets married sometime soon. Her boyfriend got a lot of ribbing about it at a recent family dinner :)